Like how drake can become a robot in that sprite commercial

How much does the top weigh?

The agonist is my fav. I also like the japanese singer Futakuchi Mana

Every day im thankful im not electrical πŸ™

Outsourcing animation to a different studio (blur studios i think)

:hwoarang: d34 my beloved

Hwo takeover in progress

:hwoarang: d34 my beloved

Did someone say d34 my beloved?

My taste is very simple, sludge metal and j-pop, cant go wrong

Ngl a guy clapping monkey cheeks as patient zero is way funnier

Every day im thankful i dont have a sister so theres no hairs in the shower πŸ™


Its not even the price its just that no one is selling them

Im not looking forward to my new clutch

You aint known real heat until youve had to hand crank a jack on a ford bronco in 120f california heat

Youre stock because you want to, im stock because i cant afford mods, we are not the same. insert picture of breaking bad guy

Ill be jacked by the time my next bulk is done, still a but underweight compared to the rest of my friends (i outlift them all tho)

Can we hit leg day together πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ