[Proud Pearl - Balmung] :healer2: :tank2: :menphina:

I’m adding a bug report in game, because this can’t be what they had imagined? I’d suggest other folks do the same. Enough reports and they’ll hopefully address it at least.

Have Biden use the SC’s rulings against them and ban any/all people with felony records be unable to run and/or become president. If the SC wants to play fast and loose with our laws to benefit that crook Trump, I say fight fire with fire!

A friend of mine wasn’t interested because it was “too modern”. He played the first two and loved them SO much… that he didn’t want to give it a chance because it didn’t look/play exactly like a game 20+ years ago?

Well if we’re being honest, thats kind of the Japanese business model in a nutshell. They’re very risk adverse and if something works, they use and abuse it until they start losing a LOT of money.

Look at their gaming trends for the last decade or two, for example, where everything was practically a FF clone/wannabe, which is why American games were outselling them, because they weren’t as risk adversed as the Japanese business model.

SE has a lot to weigh in on these matters, sadly. But that being said, they really need to start to shake things up, otherwise it’ll commit the biggest sin any game can. Being boring.

My older brother got divorced and lived with my twin bro, our mom and I as he got his life back together. We actually started to bond as siblings… until he met this one woman. She wrapped him around her finger, encouraged his violent tendencies and took control of most of the aspects of his life.

None of us could even call him, without that woman picking up HIS phone first and he’d consult her on literally everything. She convinced him to give up ALL rights to his then, 10 year old daughter and convinced him that he HAD to choose between his family or her.

It’d be years of not seeing or talking to him, it really hurt our mom, who felt like she lost a son and she still occasionally cried. Even my other older brother was torn up over losing his brother.

Cue a decade later, our mom dies, suddenly of a heart attack. My older brother pushes past the pain yo reach out to our “distant” brother… only for him to respond to the death of our mother with “I’ll need to cycle this through and get back to you”.

No emotion, no pain, nothing. He treated it like a tolerated pet had died. My brothers and I decided that right then and there, he was dead to us. We didn’t even invite him to the funeral.

The saddest thing is, our mom STILL loved him, wanted to see him and he basically spit on that, because some biker bimbo control freak.


Bride of the ancient magus. It can be SO touching and beautiful at times.

[Proud Pearl - Balmung] :healer2: :tank2: :menphina:

I’ve already got a design and everything all picked out! Being a Femroe player, I already am part of a niche, so whats one more.

Caitlyn Jenner committed vehicular manslaughter, dismissed the death as a “bother”, tried to pay the family off so they wouldn’t take it to court and used their influence to keep it out of a lot of media. Aka Buckle up Buckaroos.

I’m hoping that at that time in the future we’ve moved on from the capitalist, greed oriented mindset. Its always kinda sad to see what past optimistic authors had in mind for our future, with series like Star Trek. And instead we’re seemingly running towards Robocop.


Toxic. For getting rid of non-basic lands, thats fine. But destroying what amounts to basically a function, a foundation of the entire game, is just gross imo.

Its goes right up there with endless turns and denying players the ability to actually play the game.

Ok so… they care SO much about consenting adults engaging in a bit of sensual fun… yet see no problems forcing women athletes to wear skin tight and/or revealing outfits for things like volleyball and gymnastics? Uh huh, ok Olympic Committee, okeh! Gtfo.

“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!”

Sooo… even though they know most folks are living paycheck to paycheck, they’re deciding to screw them over even hard in a mad dash for quick cash? Yeesh. May they rot. Also, this is just basically making stuff like pirating look even more tantalizing.

Yeah but they are MAKING it AS bad tho. Like Netflix and all of them are now trying to crack down hard on sharing. Forcing ads, everywhere whilst increasing the overall prices of everything. Its literally becoming cable 2.0

At this point I’m just hoping we can all muster together… and destroy any and ALL attempts that these rich assholes use to leave or separate themselves from the absolute shit storm they caused. “F you, if we’re going down, yer coming with us!”

Before the “fix”, super horny Gale, and even then I find him a little petulant. Otherwise I guess… Minsc? Not that I hate him. Its just he’s a one note character with no depth.

Common decency. More Consumer’s power over corporations via spending. A LOT of families. And any setup for a Zombie movie/series that doesn’t have a swathe of people yelling “its fake!” As they are then hopefully eaten.

Its so weird… that the same people who made cable bad are also making streaming bad.. HMMMM

I’d consider someone whose seen at least three to five different TYPES of horror, to be a fan.