Of course I couldn't find one used or on sale when I was looking for it. I'm assuming that's without the footprint, which is $100?

Ah, I guess $700 with the footprint is to hope for then. Buy my shit Reddit 😛

If pointing out the facts of polluted-ass Pittsburgh and it's coagulated culture is ugly, I'll be that. I'd imagine you have the back fat a'jiggling as you chug your Iron Shitty beer watching grown men play with some ball or another for obscene amounts of imaginary "money."

Moldavite is one of if not THE rarest gemstones on earth and there are no more large finds. The fields have been picked nearly clean. There is no such thing as cheap Moldavite anymore and no one with real Moldavite is "undercharging"

Same. I grow plants and fungi and look forward to moving to the depths of southern Oregon forest this fall to do both without restrictions

The south side is a shit show and not a place to go on any night

How can a place that runs on perogies, French fries, and cheap beer be anything but slow? Of course a city plagued by alcoholism, consumerism, racism, and shitty food is "sleepy." Sick and fat as well. I noticed how lovely the people were on the tube in London and the subway in NYC - well-dressed with a range of language being spoken. When you ride the T in Pittsburgh, it's slovenly yinzers with the horrid accent and a chunk of back fat that moves of its own volition.

You're a creep for digging in his phone. Weirdo. Good luck finding a decent boyfriend. Creepo creepazoid.

It's not registerable. They don't have the capability to do that anymore I guess... so the board has to be replaced... Which they also no longer make or stock.

The "science" made up to support flawed policies you mean?

You are asking someone to be responsible for him/herself? And accept consequences? How dare you?!?!

You, on the other hand, buy fake Moldavite through random Etsy shops then recommend their garbage on the Internet. Or self-promote your fake gems. Which is it because the jewelry on the site you linked is clearly FAKE

Quality moldavite is $30+ a gram. At that weight, you get a little more than 1.5 grams for $50. That's a chip...You're way too literal. I've not been scammed personally because I know how to identify actual moldavite and don't buy it on the Internet from randos.

I've been hit a few times, including by a semi truck..been pretty broken up to the point of being unable to walk. Just get back on the bike. Or sell it.

That's garbage jewelry. Is it your site? You are NOT getting a faceted moldavite ring for $50. You're lucky you get a decent moldavite chip for $50...

The question was already answered. It's a $40 part

Full spectrum 5th Gen hobby board replacement

I have a full spectrum laser, hl40-5g-110. It was never used or activated by the high school that threw it away. This means after 80 hours, it bricks. What controller could I use so as to utilize this brand new, 10 year old machine?
