It must be so much fun living in a world of make believe.

You will forever be asked what it is. You will eventually get tired of repeating yourself. No one will ever recognize this.

The only true path to enlightenment is through evolution. Absolutely my emotions about anything can change. The reed that doesn't bend, breaks. Being fluid is the only way to master your environment and your own mind.

Chainsaw!!! Due to this guy, every time I have to take a multiple choice test, I'm always thinking C, C, C, C.....

Taurans fit both of these. The girlfriend is a Sag and aside from the constant wanting to be on the go business, she is the closest thing to a Scorp that isn't a Scorp that I've seen so far.

Already fumbled. She reaches out first, set him up to make it easy, then doesn't bother to speak about her, speaks about himself and calls himself out on the age gap, defining the lack of maturity all while claiming he's mature. Older women are smart....and good at this. Unless she likes inexperience, he's already done for. She's even offering him good luck. It's amazing to me at how terrible some of you are at this.

Wow! The concept is amazing and your artist did a fantastic job. Nicest tattoo I've seen on reddit in a while. Wear that with pride!

This is fantastic.

I rock....and roll....all day long, sweet Susie.

I can't pick just one. Aside from a handful of scenes, I wasn't a fan of Say Anything. The "Dumped in the Malibu" and "Joe lies" scenes were good though. I still haven't seen The Raven, which bothers me as I'm a huge Poe geek. 1408 is still one of my favorite scary movie. I would say it's between Better Off Dead, and One Crazy Summer, simply for nostalgia. I need to see the Hunter S. Thompson films also.

Damn. Glad you're safe though. Yeah, situational awareness died some time ago.

There was no goal. This is the life of Altima driver's. Some who set goals achieve them. Altima driver's can't be bothered to think for themselves in the present, let alone plan ahead.

All of them were gifted 2 beans and 2 grains of rice for their emotional reactions.

The universe has this remarkable way rewarding individuals for their acts. It's a shame we won't see this asshats "reward."

Disappointed that the dog didn't get trampled and the owner didn't get kicked in the head. That's a good horse!

In my opinion, it comes down to does a person want to eat a shit sandwich or shit soup? Either way, we lose. What's the point?

Same! I still smoke amd get told often I don't look my age. Hated it when I was younger, buy it's like rave music to my ears now.

Yeah, I'll agree wholeheartedly. The only thing we truly tried to balance back then was ourselves during a field sobriety test.

I always thought it was the rampant drug use. I just figured infections saw their new residence and decided to go elsewhere.

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On this weeks episode of How to Let an Inanimate Object Destroy Your Ego, Steve demonstrates how to project your failure on the placement of dividers.