Rope Recs?

I’m still pretty new to canyoneering, but I’ve been getting into more each summer for the past few years. I always just use my old climbing rope which is heavy, bulky, and just feels excessive at this point. Any recs on ropes or diameter, length etc.? I know I am looking for something waterproof and static but I feel like I am overthinking the length. Would 30m-40m be enough or would 60m be better or is that still too short?? I am primarily out west UT/AZ/CO. Any brands that are anyone’s favorite?[60].pdf From the academy website it states “Just as the current bachelor’s degree requirement may be met in any area, the same holds for the graduate degree, provided it is granted by a United States Department of Education (USDE) accredited institution, or foreign equivalent.”

Thankyou! I’m definitely going to look into it more because if it’s possible to do another major then I wouldn’t feel as much like I’m putting all my eggs in one basket….at least Id have some something else

Yeah that is what I have come to realize😅 I think I’ve just been naive in looking for another way to work in nutrition without the RD certification and i’m coming to terms with the fact that becoming an RD is gonna be my easiest route to do so

Oh word! See that is something I would like to do I just didn’t know that was possible, but definitely something I’ll look into(: It is a tough decision but it’s always useful to hear other ideas and ways other people have done things

I’m just wondering how I can use my undergrad for a career or if it would be more worth my time to go the MS/internship route. OR if it makes more sense to do something else like public health etc🤷🏼‍♀️ idk just curious about what others have done with undergrad nutrition degrees as it feels pretty pointless on its own

Well they now require an MS to apply to the internship, so I was wondering if getting an MS than doing the internship was even worth my time at this point🤷🏼‍♀️

Why would you suggest another area of study? I was also thinking public heath, but I would prefer nutrition I just worry about the job market once I’m done with everything

This is an amazing idea, thankyou!

Any job ideas?

I have my Bachelor’s in Dietetics and I have been struggling for about 2 years to find a job that pays well enough while getting to use my degree. I am considering going back for my Masters and possibly continuing on to become an RDN, but I am looking for ideas of possible jobs that I could use my Bachelor’s degree. I am constantly told I am either over qualified or under qualified for every job I apply to and I am loosing hope. I also worry I will get my Masters and deal with the same thing. Any ideas would be so greatly appreciated!

anyone else?

From as long as I can remember I’ve been overly sensitive to most medications. Tylenol and Aleive give me the worst stomach cramps I could imagine to the point of passing out and sitting there feeling faint and in a cold sweat until it passes. When I was 15 a friend found me after I had taken Tylenol and actually thought I was dead because I was so unresponsive😂 but it was just extreme stomach pain. I’ve noticed recently that the stomach cramps are more prevalent with more medications. Is this something anyone else experiences? Could this be endo related or am is my tummy just sensitive?

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Trying to sell my ticket with pre party pass last minute!! $250 OBO