I don't usually hear him (and I doubt Arngeir does either) because I'm usually Shouting Arngeir across the room by that point.

I only do that one so I can eventually drop the ruby claw.

Nobody calls you Archmage because nobody bothered to file the paperwork that says you are the Archmage.

Really, Mirabelle was the only one there who cared about anything other than her own work. With her gone and the new Archmage off doing gods know what anyway, it's only a matter of time before someone sends the whole College off to some forgotten plane of Oblivion.

Are those the same students? I thought they were different mishaps.

I'm sure Akatosh had his(?) hand in there, somewhere. Probably intentionally let Alduin back into the timestream just in time to interrupt the execution.

Are you sure that was Skyrim? That sounds like Oblivion's "A Shadow Over Hackdirt". Doesn't have the lodge thing, but that could be the knight order that you can get into after closing the Cheydinhal Oblivion gate.

And if you put them in Lakeview Manor, and also build Windstad and become Thane of Morthal, you get an extra housecarl about half the time.

That's very considerate of him. I guess since he's planning on eating the entire world anyway, waiting a few minutes for you won't hurt much.

And caving. I'll stay up here where I can see the sun, thanks.

If it won't attack you, or anything else, you probably can't. Sometimes one will appear, circle and roar for a bit, then leave.

He became one of my favorites in his first scene. The priest badmouthing religion? How could you not like him?

And then, .

There are similar puzzles that don't have claws, and some of them have 4 pillars.

They usually also have the answers nearby, though sometimes they aren't obvious.

I did several by trying the combinations in order. The doors aren't bad since there are only three rings and you don't have to move between attempts, so you can brute force them pretty quickly.

I think I gave up and checked UESP for a puzzle that had 4 pieces, and learned from that about looking at the claws.

O. McDowell

10:15 for some of us. I was dragging all day cuz I stayed up for last night's game.

You thought she wouldn't notice you trying to pickpocket her?

I think we were typing at the same time.

  1. Be born on a certain day to uncertain parents.
  2. Be thrown into jail in the Imperial City.
  3. Wait for Azura to notice you.

Followed up with a punch because you learned it from Cat's Eye.

I use the Sanguine Rose for that. Drop a Dremora Lord in the room from down the hall, and see what pops out.

Also works at the Forsworn camp at Karthspire.

It's really just turning the volume up once in a while. Keeps the city folk awake.

Too bad. There's more where that came from.

Yeah, there is that. But even forcing them to the ground where I can bash them is preferable, in my mind, to having them flying around dodging everything my followers and I can fling at them.