Mini golf at tres sorrelle is my recommendation!

They are all over this thread, with multiple top-level comments.

I think theyre still drunk from yesterday

"stop playing games with people's livelihoods"

So you agree that whoever owns this property should be banned from renting the biohazard to unsuspecting travelers.

Not at ZZQ. They have always been way over priced.

Lol, projecting much?

Someone didn't read the last (and probably most important) sentence in my comment.

Just to reiterate what the other guy is saying, lifestyle creep is very easy to settle into. I went from living off of a 27k stipend when I was working on my PhD to making 58k. What started as a few nights eating out as a treat to myself ended up a habit. I absolutely cringed when I saw the year-to-year change in my budget.

That being said, don't be afraid to treat yourself once in a while. You deserve it.

Its giving manic. You should find a professional.

Did you really just reply 3 times to the same comment?

Is this post about how you were unable to pay the bill you signed up for?

Hey, you should listen to your surroundings 100%. Anything less seems like a safety issue.

Why didn't you put the probe in correctly?

No. This happened to me before and it was less than 5 minutes and I had a good laugh with the person on the other side of the phone.