that ending really showed how such a big difference between the first houses he built in the series like with Ruben vs now

If Biden had announced 12-18 months ago that he wasn’t seeking re-election,

I distinctly remember him saying he was gonna be a 1 term president, but I guess the old man just forgot

are there any pictures available? what about skills?

Yes. You'd realize that if you actually read anything I said, but I realize now you're only using me to spread propaganda like a bot

my bad for thinking people argue in good faith ig

that wasn't the subject, and the fact that you can't see that reads as someone frothing at the mouth with their hate for jews

that's a misuse of the word literally

once again you're trying to change the subject to avoid facing reality in order to cling to your hate. Like I said before, talk to someone before it gets worse

you're equating civilian casualties with genocide, and Israel with a genocidal state. it reads as dog whistling for wanting to genocide the jews. not a good look.

a nazi state

that says a lot about you. you should seek help before you get even more radicalized than you already are, might end up hurting someone

La Es muy distinto la adicción a la masturbacion qué masturbarse en general

creer que son lo mismo quiere decir que tienes una perspectiva trastornada (aunque suene fea la palabra) al respecto. habla con un profesional de la salud

the thread is about a guy wearing a Palestine pin. I'm not changing the subject you were the one who changes the subject Israel this or that to make yourself feel like "you're right" instead of actually engaging with what I said

probably bc you know, either consciously or unconsciously, that what's happening over there is not a genocide

other genocides

like I said before, you should learn about actual genocides

you're trying to do a gotcha, but nothing you can say makes what I said a lie

that's disrespectful of the peoples who have suffered actual genocide or genocidal attempts. look up at what happened to the aztecs, the trail of tears, the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, the genocides in Africa and the Uyghurs

Way to twist history and genocide

this doesn't contradict that. They still want to kill jews, just not in a way that mostly gets themselves killed

First of all, the arabs started that war. second, there was no genocide in 1946, there was ethnic cleansing of Arab villages in the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv corridor bc Arab irregulars kept using them as military bases.

The rest of the arabs left out of their own volition for a variety of reasons such as fear after being abandoned by the Arab leadership, following orders as the arab armies told them over radio to leave and come back after the war, and just not wanting to live under jews as was the case with over 50k people leaving Haifa

the Palestinian national identity as separate and distinct from the rest of the levantine arabs is political, and a relatively new political movement. Listen to Zuheir Mohsen in 1977 when he was leader of the PLO:

The Palestinian people do not exist. There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the Arab nation. Lo and behold, I have relatives with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are one people. It is only for political reasons that we carefully endorse our Palestinian identity. Indeed, it is of national interest for the Arabs to encourage the existence of the Palestinians in the face of Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new means to continue the struggle against Israel and for Arab unity.

But that is not what antisemitic means

until it gets repeated enough in an echochamber like how people now believe Israel is committing a genocide

that's like saying a white guy from South Africa who moved to the US is African American

To the extremist mind, you must Condemn "the other side" as inherently and irredeemably evil, anything else is underreaction

dos cosas: son diferentes

el reditor promedio: estas diciendo que dos cosas distintas son iguales

when you're a billionaire you don't really work, you tell people how to work

if you have staff at home and take a month off work, you don't stop telling the maid where to clean or the personal chef what to cook.