Nah best marketing goes to gears 1 as well imo. Maybe 4 can get best esports scene

They take so long to release cosmetics. Almost like WB forgot it makes them money

How is he the best candidate for democrats. Legit anyone can beat trump BUT him

Hope they don’t gender swap noob too, that just wouldn’t work

Is that really true? I’ve seen the devs of Multiversus say they had to rebuild the whole game from scratch in UE5

In its current state after all the updates its actually very fun and has a bunch of content

Yeah it’s actually scary how common it is to find someone who just casually brings up extreme shit the first time you speak to them

“It’s too easy to do when you get the hang of it” pretty much only true for gears 5, could potentially convince me that it’s true for 4 as well. All other games had much tighter timings and had so much counter play that made wallbouncing much less effective against good positioning and teamwork

Ok but that’s gears 5, which has the most oppressive form of wallbouncing to new players, as there isn’t much of a “noob friendly” counter like the others gears games. And, the person in that clip is playing on kbm with double binded controls, which is essentially almost just cheating when you see how effortless it makes the movement compared to controller. You legit can’t mess up at all on it if you are decent

Hahaha that last part made me laugh. Seems like we have similar dogs, only kong toys and wishbones seem to last around my pup too. Thanks for the help and fast response!

You can’t just conflate someone finding a character interesting to them having a subconscious bias. Does that mean the people who like Cassie, Jacqui, or kung jing are just expressing their own subconscious biases? And why are you trying to casually downplay what you said lol, “so of course hes the only valid one to a community like this” and “generic edgy cool straight male”. According to your own logic the people who like Cassie or Jacqui are just feeding into their own generic, edgy, straight female biases, and people who like kung jing are feeding into their generic edgy gay biases. Such a brain dead thought process that leads to nothing

Or maybe because he was one of the most played characters in mkx and had literal lightsabers with scorpion like chains?? Not everything has to be ideologically driven, especially when it can be so easily dismissed since the majority of this community stan characters like mileena and jade, who are women…

Off topic but how is the durability of the toy that’s in his mouth in the pic? I always see it at the store but am reluctant to get it because my pup chews up and destroys almost every toy we get him

I liked judgements campaign too back in the day, thought Karn was especially really cool. Just wouldn’t place it ahead of gears 2 and 1 in my personal ranking

Last year was the mk1 reveal for me and this year it’s gears. These game shows been goin crazy recently

As long as there are still tournaments and new content that keep the hype going, I will always casually play when I feel like it

Wallahi I hope they stay to the dark roots like the trailer made it seem