Chlorophyll. He drinks that gobbledygook about 6 times a day to keep the Palladium poisoning at bay. Even when Tony created the Vibranium arc reactor and applied it, he still drank chlorophyll later on in Avengers and some other Marvel film (I forgot).

I hate all episodes that had Julie in them. Joey even found her very annoying at one point.

The rig in Furiosa was abandoned and possibly scrapped at the Bullet Farm. The one in Fury Road has a different horn and steering wheel position. The War Rig in Fury Road also doesn’t have a bommy-knocker like the one in Furiosa if I recall correctly.

Is it true that you wish you could romance Cait or Veronica?

Have other companions carry equipment in their backpacks ❌

Stuff it up Dogmeat’s ass ✅

What in the Mad Max are you trying to do with this build

Definitely Scarface. I may not be the boss but I like that color scheme and still would like to get the feels.

Either Steve Haines or that triathlon bitch Mary-Ann that Trevor was simping over

It’s your property. You have the right to refuse service to anyone, even family. I do that with my older sisters and my cousins. I tell them “hey, I don’t want you here”. If they don’t like being refused to enter your home, they can eat a dick. Your sister needs to keep her two walking parasites at home with a babysitter or in a hospital because that’s just unacceptable.

Maxed luck and intelligence with high strength. I also side with Yes Man every playthrough with the exception of Riddick (Legion) and Hagrid (NCR). I enjoy guns builds and melee builds. I can’t decide which so I do both.

On one of the playthroughs, it said “Eliminate: Bloodshot”. Like yeah, okay, buddy. Good luck with that. 😂

I like you. I am January 2005. That legal?

Pfft, you should see Caesar and the manager at Gomorrah. They’re legit penguins

Get all three of your stacks to the highest you can get without your opponent trumping you with a joker card, a Jack, or a King. The highest valid number is 26. Whoever’s card stacks are all closer to or exactly 26 first wins.

Not too bad, just lose the vape. Nobody likes to see a Puff the Magic Dragon.

I prefer these over Prime and BLK water.