
As someone who has done a thorough records review to provide feedback and found nothing to improve or comment on I'd say it's not dead it is a shitty math problem.

We cannot promote everyone. One of the best TSgts I have ever worked with is celebrating passover. He got the PN, awards, scope, experience, duty titles and skillset. He happens to be in an AFSC that just went through a massive merger and is overmanned.

Sometimes you just get beat. You got a Gp award the select got a Wg award. You fixed 30 processes and made the unit 15% more efficient and the select fixed 31 processes and made the unit 16% more efficient.

Sometimes you have done absolutely everything within your power and you just got beat. Promotion rates are down, someone saved a drowning baby, or someone had the opportunity to deploy. Maybe you got a comm medal for a PCS and the select got a MSM because they saved the baby while getting ready to PCS and it was easier to upgrade a dec than write two.

You can only grow where you planted and there are times that where you are planted just doesn't have the same nutrients and opportunities to grow as much as others.

Now I will tell them how they got beat if I know who beat them and can review both records, but that's usually only possible during EFDP.


Wasn't that long ago for me...made a promise to never drag it out if in my control.


Have had all the eligible find a reason to stop by we are holding it on purpose. Would love to just send a text to the selects letting them know when we'll be stopping by to shake hands so they can get on with their day.


What's annoying is being an SEL waiting on a Wg CC who wants to be the first to read the list but then stacks their day with appointments and doesn't empower their execs to just release.


That's the 77th's machine at air refueling squadron with dare I say it... enlisted flying members and it's a reserve unit...does it count?

Thank you. I understand and respect the feedback provided and know that there are aspects that if not addressed will turn very toxic...but it was such a selfless and caring action by Apple that I thought it should be shared.

That's a fair assessment as well. I'm not blind to how stupid lucky I am.

We always talked about what if one of us catches feelings in an academic manner but it never occurred. During our discussions we always said we would handle it if it occurs in a way to make sure everyone was treated with respect and care and consideration. That translated to poly for us not a veto power. That would be so hurtful to a third party and extremely unfair. We recognize that much...and we are new and unfortunately have some learning pains. I stick with the assessment that it was a net positive because it is new for all 3 of us. Could it be handled smoother and in a more conventional poly thinking way...sure but for our personalities and relationship this worked out very well.

That...well that explains a lot. Thank you in all sincerity no sarcasm. Thank you.

No it's not. I agree and I realize I'm stupid lucky this ended positively. It highlights a lot of growth we still have and wanted to share because it's worth learning from.

Those are all great questions and the bubble isn't burst. There are still a lot of things we are learning and I realize in this case silly lucky that the net gain was a positive. Some of the questions not going to answer online to strangers but they are questions worth addressing and answering within our relationship and I appreciate the feedback.

That is one of the things we discussed at length and recognize going forward.

I also could have helped mitigate the issues as well with a kind word before I left or a quick text letting her know that we had arrived safely and small things like that. It is a learning process.


Permission isn't required for the relationships. The change from open ENM to poly has been different and has come with some communication and feelings challenges that we are working through in what I consider a healthy open and honest manner.

To be clear it was Apple's idea to return home. I was at a loss and caught off guard by Cherry's breakdown and on how to react to her anxiety. I am extremely lucky and recognize that.

Edited cause I got my names confused.

Both fair questions. It may not have been what most would consider an emergency but she was hurting and in that moment what she needed was to be reassured she mattered and the physical presence is important to her. Swiss cheese effect where her support network was unavailable to help.

Cherry asked if she could go because she thought that talking to Apple face to face and providing compassion would be helpful and she was right.

Would not recommend it as a normal course of action but it was a very positive result for all this time.


Was he a com troop turned TACP turned 1st Sgt?

:Slyth7: Slytherin

That's how I remember it 🤣

:Slyth7: Slytherin

Crucio is 3... Cru ci o. Also Draco drawls his speech out, has shown he has a conscience, and probably hesitated in saying the curse.

:Slyth7: Slytherin

Tell me you only watch the movies without telling me you only watch the movies.


Depends. Go in with full transparency and honesty and you might get by. Go in with some BS story that you get from a sub on Reddit then you're absolutely done....not for missing the calls or the bender but for lying and lack of that core value we all preach. You're already in trouble don't make it worse.

Isn't that the Siamese cat from Lady and the Tramp?

:Slyth7: Slytherin

The Myrtle plant would be hilarious. It also symbolizes love and would be very unique.

:Slyth7: Slytherin

Trying to take care of the pets and get hit with the down votes. Tough crowd.


I have said those exact words as feedback numerous times. A statement that says you went to school for XX degree and XX hours with a X.X gpa is a waste of space. Finished degree I'll appreciate...but so many people including me have the same generic working towards degree statement it's not meaningful.

Edited because I reread initial and didn't like the tone.


Happy for them. Mine lasted 3 years and was a horrible divorce. I do have two amazing kids from the maybe I wouldn't change it.