My faves are Haribo tropical i buy at duty free as much as i can hahaha. Go down well. Trader Joe’s processed foods give my stomach cramps, & Swedish fish taste tooo sweet. Sometimes i use dried fruit or whole fruits. Usually my primary source is a liquid carb, like Torq or skratch , w a gummy or two just for fun

Yeah and also she just flexed like all her products are very high end, literally nothing one can find at cvs- no CeraVe or aquaphor, just drunk elephant & kiehls & shit …honestly overhyped imho

Yeah let’s hope it’s just a fun humorous thing. I also don’t get them…do ppl just get a title? $$$? Also we see ppl like Taylor swift…did she go to college? …anyway she NEVER calls herself doctor (maybe once as a joke in the grad speech?)

Right??? What did they even do but panel discussions in a fairly ugly/typical carpeted conference center ballroom? Did they go on fun runs??

Really sucks. However - Excited to see who steps up in the trials! (Rooting for Allie O)

FRFR!!! Molly & Izzy talk about this on their latest podcast.

Totally reasonable you lost some enthusiasm for it. Def a triggering topic for many ppl, cancer. I followed this one blogger and then she switched from fun millennial stuff to fun family stuff & me having grown up in an abusive family, i had to stop following. I get why aotr shares, & i bet it helps her & a lot of ppl going thru similar stuff, & I definitely appreciate that she’s a sharer & good storyteller, not a whiner , but it’s def a bit more off topic from running lately . She does say she goes to therapy so that’s good!!

The Hedwig song is soooo good thanks for the reminder!

RIGHT?? It was so upsetting, i had it a prior year. For just 10% off & 3 pairs of socks , I could get…barely what I wanted. Like seriously, if that is their model at least you could let us preorder stuff, not just scroll & be disappointed. It was a huge turnoff.

Totally get what you’re saying. Them being like “great job w the intro!” got to me for a while lol. For me, though, i just laugh along w them like laughter yoga style…it’s just silliness, never a bad thing to laugh.

Nice!!! Yeah they used to make a front pocket one (w a v nice fold over pocket) . Def better than my old method - ancient Nike bra from high school that developed “pockets” for gels as its lining decayed lmao 😂

I love the bandit material on their looser shorts, sweatshirts, & tops, but it’s irritating how they’re ALWAYS sold out. I tried the membership once and it was sorta a bust…only pays off if you purchase a LOT which i really don’t need…

Not like the bandit has gel pockets . Oiselle shorts do tho, roga shorts I think.

Oiselle makes REALLY nice bras / bra tops w phone pockets, too!

I guess she just wanted her shirt cleaned (less $), not dry cleaned (more $), but they dry cleaned it & she spent (gasp) 22$ ??? Idk i do most of my laundry in my bathroom sink idk about dry cleaning vs cleaning lmao

I totally get why writers make that choice but it really bugs me! It leaves readers in the dark…i wish such writers would either have the hard convos w family & include even an abridged version, or wait till they’re dead to write their books. Better for the story!

She def has a complex about the “timeline” of adulthood. I hear ya re those ppl who genuinely want kids & partner. But if it’s just abt the timeline…let it go! Modern America esp NYC is v diverse & it’s ok to be a single childless woman , literally feminists of yesterday fought v hard for that to be ok…i wish she were more self accepting

Yes! That part was so helpful & Anne was very educational. Right? I bet many ppl would have no idea she was so sick

Right?? She did it so well. Obvi it’s extremely personal topic to her , but I found the interview so professionally done.

Anyone listened to Ali on the Run latest podcast w Anne Keane, who has stage 4 breast cancer ? I bawled my eyes out the whole time , bc they both just seem like such cool ppl going thru something so shitty! Not snark comment just inspired and grateful to Ali idk how she managed I’d have been sobbing! Literally cried more at this podcast than all the times my own parent got a cancer diagnosis. I hope they both keep running & thriving.