i can too its called hitchhikers thumb,its easy when you're double jointed

never trust the leadership of China, since they love double talk and helping our enemies

it'll break as soon as you pick them up! My boss was taught by Seindenstricker, considered the inventor of the form, our custom made fuzed glass creations are made from thick window glass,hotels use our creations

one of the longest graffiti beefs right now... WH VS ETC crews

glad to see zephyr still at it

Panthers or Dallas,for reference,my dad's from Texas

this is fire! damn nice work yo,classic NY stylo

yeah,try it out an see if it works better

use struc or struck instead

went through death valley as a kid,a/c died in the car... one of the worst times heat wise that I have ever been through

good on both sides for this! very proud of Japan an Ukraine.

taliban can burn in darkest depths of hell itself,and suffer for eternity

someone should show them exactly what its like to be there before they go there,if they do,no pasport an you have stay there

knew someone with the last name ryder... his dad's name was Richard

tazer zap to the sole of the foot,should end any problem

how most films are done these days unfortunately