My dog saved me from myself. He is the reason why i get up in the morning, and believe me, i dont want to get up. We even started training things everyday, going on social walks. My deog is a rescue and has an anxiety disorder himself, so he isnt the easiest dog to have. But he is like my child. His character is so loving, he even does trust falls, its so cute. Walks still stress me out, bcs he reacts to other people and dogs, but with the help of our trainer we both make victories and i would never change it. One thing that also changed is that i didnt have time to go party anymore since i need to get back home and stuff. Just dont get a working dog breed. I got a staffi lab mix and even that makes him a bundle full of energy.

I also would like to know. I stopped a few weeks back and my sleep is getting worse again.

Yeah but they still joke around asking me if I want a beer, I dont know how to think about it so I just laugh it off. Oooh I know the self destructive part, reason number one why I even started abusing it. Ah I wish I could smoke weed but I get bad side effects from it.

Any advice? I really dont like who I am while I am drunk, nor how I feel the next few days. I will try to not even say yes to "just one beer" bcs I know when I start I will not stop. Also I completely stopped buying alcohol for myself a few weeks ago.

Binge drinking CPTSD Vent / Rant

I used to be an alcoholic when I was 18. I wasnt in school, just at home in bed, alone. Stole my dads wine and drank everyday 2 bottles of it for about a year. Then i managed to stop for 2 years. I was completely sober, not even doing other drugs.

After that, everytime someone offers me a drink or I buy something for myself, I just cant manage to stop. Either the booze is completely gone or I throw up and drink more after. I'm super embarrassed bcs I am aware that it is an issue. When I am with my tenants we start drinking and after every drink I tell them "just one more" and when I start "this is really the last" but then I keep asking for more. People never say no to me bcs I learned to act "sober enough" to get more. Now I started drinking with them on weekdays again, missing out on school again bcs I am sick for 2-3 days.

I told them that I used to be alcoholic and they feel super bad so they just give me soda from now on.


Bin gespannt wie lange es dauert. Momentan versuche ich einfach Dinge zu tun die gesund sind, spazieren gehen, schlafhyiegene, gutes essen und gesellschaft.

Ist für mich zu meinem alltag geworden und bin irgendwie daran gewöhnt. Ich versuche mein umfeld einfach mittlerweile anzupassen und arbeite daran einen schwerbehindertenausweis zu bekommen.

Yeah I know, it became way better than it was in the beginning, I am just really down and tired of it. I do make steps forward but it doesn't feel good.

Yeah my symptoms are way less than a few years ago. But yeah I wish it just never happened obviously, like I am getting a disability card for it which will help, but after all those years this just feels weird.

Is CPTSD really chronic?Question

Many people tell me that things will get easier, that the symptoms will go away. Professionals never told me it was chronic, but they also didn't say it wasn't.

I am not near where I was 10 years ago, I did a lot of therapy, got away from my toxic family, don't have money issues and a roof over my head. I work out, eat healthy, try not to drink, try to be confident and am trying to set goals. I am getting through life, but I don't want to live it. I can't trust anyone, I don't have friends, I don't have a stable job nor a purpose. My thoughts seem evil and mean, I want to hurt everyone but also love them. I feel sick and I am ashamed of myself.

How do yall manage? How will this be later in life?


Yeah I had mild knee pain too but I didnt notice it much. My back pain was hell, it was so bad I couldnt stand up sometimes, or turn around in my bed. Sometimes I couldn't lift my legs either, it always felt like having 10 knifes stuck in my lower back and every little move would cut me from my inside. I initially thought it was a disk injury maybe, but my chiropractor told me already a year ago that it was prolly mirt. And a few days after stopping the pain also went away. Like I had issues with my back before but mirt made it 10x worse, but i just couldnt believe that that was the cause lol.

How I get through my dayCPTSD Victory

Maybe that helps someone.

I am getting back into society and found a few things that help me getting through the day.

  • Ear protection. It helps me with auditive overstimulation. In class or even walking in public, it gives my brain a chance not to need to be hyper alert at all times.

  • Migrane mask. Able to use cold or warm. Its like a nice prssure around my head and eyes and helps me calm down for a few minutes.

  • Deleting Tiktok and other fast media. Instead I try to relearn to watch tv or netflix without other stimulation. It is hard but when I got the gang of it, it really helped me feel more at ease.

  • Snacking. Especially cutting fruit for yourself and making something nice when you get home to just chill infront of your tv. Put your chips in a bowl instead of the bag. I make myself feel cared for which is super nice.

  • Having a dog. He makes me get up in the morning, helped me have a hobby and meet other people at dog school. It is exhausting, but so worth it. He also works as my living weighted blanket.

  • Leaving and coming back later. I know you can't do that in every situation. For me I do it at school, when it gets too much I just study somewhere else in the building or go outside. It's not my problem that other people overwhelm me, and i know how to take care of it, so I just get back later.

  • Sharing how you feel. Especially here in this community. It really helped me understand that I am not the problem, that I am not alone and that I am not an alien in this world. You are anonymous, no one wants to hurt you here and we are listening. Just dump everything here instead of bottling up even more shit that you didn't deserve!

Love you.


At least my back pain is gone, that's all i wanted xD.

I love you too❤️

It makes me feel good to hear this, especially in a group like this. We didn't get to know unconditional love. But I guess we are all trying to get better somehow and that's why we are here.

I am thankful for you OP. I am thankful for everyone that contributes to this subreddit.

DAE have weird racing thoughts that feel like not themselves thinking?Question

Ah since I stopped mirtazapine and am trying to have a good sleep hygiene (no phone in bed), I do sleep fine and my insomnia is not too bad. But, every time I try to relax I get weird thoughts that I am not thinking myself. I had this before and it's a real issue bcs I feel like going crazy since I can't stop them.

When I was still living in my past home it was mostly hearing screaming or people insulting each others, or being in a room full of people and they just talking about stuff I wouldn't even understand. Nowadays it is like a child babbling around or a convo between people, but nothing they say makes sense, it is just babbling. But the most annoying thing is that I hear(?)(it all feels like my thoughts are noise, it so weird idk how to explain) a wooden stick rolling on the floor and. It. Doesn't. Stooooop.

Does anyone else deal with this? Any solutions? Music is too distracting from sleeping sometimes, so I mostly just use it when it gets really bad.


Oooooh I got the sneezing too! Thought I was getting covid lol. Like I feel nauseous too and only eat small portions, i often dont even have hunger hah, and before i was inhaling food!

Yes ut helps, it gave me more time to do stuff for myself outside of the digital world.

Yeah the hunger is a bitch. But yeah I would wait if I were you. For me it was the only thing that made sense, breaking up, bcs i am just having a hard time with relationships and trusting people way before mirt. But since she didnt seem that way, i would stick to her. Could be that she is experiencing some sort of mania as others already sugested.

But I think this is the main question: If you remember how you felt while on those pills do you think that there is anything anyone could have said or done that would have made you stop taking them?

Well I may could be influenced to not take them but that would have been highly irresponsible since i was suicidal. I cant really apply this experience to her. Just wait a few weeks and see if it calms down.

I hope it works all out tho. Dont give up too quick unless it strains too much on your own mental health. I dont know if you have the possibility to get counseling for yourself, but its important that you are not alone in this situation, maybe meet up with a close friend.

Fuck, yeah heat flashes are a bitch. I feel like no hunger and have weird digestion. But for all the other stuff i couldnt tell since i had tge symptoms before, during and after taking mirt kek.

So I rook it 2,5 years, but was on a break of a few months, that was when I came together with my ex. We both noticed that I changed and for me personally had issues with the relationship early on bcs I have C-PTSD. We talked about it and didnt want to break up bcs it felt like giving up so I just went with it, but my nerves were really strained. Btw it was not a bad relationship and he was a really good and loving boyfriend. I stopped bcs of side effects, gain weight, intense hunger, brain fog, not feeling joy, feeling numb, worst thing was back pain, like I hurt so much I couldn't stand up and thought I had a disk injury. It changed my life. I was severely sleep dipraved for weeks and had so many breakdowns, I felt like I was going insane. Plus I was severely suicidal and tried to get my plan going at this point, so yeah, mirt made me stay alive. Ah I dont know how you should act, I can only talk about my experience and my relationship. Does she have a therapist? If yes I would try to convince her to do a session with you where you both try to discuss your thoughts and worries. My ex wanted to stay and just wait, but that would have just pressured me more, since I wasnt sure when I would stop and turn to normal again. But I would talk to the therapist, maybe even with her family since you know each other for very long. I am so sorry that you are going through this, I hope you can resolve this!

For me its not my first time getting off of it, i was "clean" for a few months and did cold turkey. I had no wd symptoms then. But now its diffrent, like i feel so cold now(on it i had heat flashes a lot), I am not hungry and need to fart a lot haha. But depression wise i am okay rn, a bit nervous from time to time, but not bad. What are you experiencing?

Hahaha thought you spoke of experience xD But yeah i will talk to the doc, rn im having a few withdrawal symptoms, buti will keep an eye on it

I was off it for a few months before, it didnt change anything. Now i am off for a bit over a week and my period is late. I dont know what to think haha

I dont want to scare you but i made a similar experience. I was together with my boyfriend for 6 months whichbis nothig compared to years. I had to break up with him after starting mirt bcs i was so fixated on myself, felt like i had to change my life and needed space. Nothing bad has happened in the relationship, but i felt like i was playing a role of a gf that i wasnt. And that stressed me out so much. And even after breaking up, i felt nothing. He was very loving and intelligent, i couldnt even give him a good reason why i wanted to break up, just that my mind was not with him anymore. After that i am still not interested in dating anymore. Im off mirt a week now, but i just have no desire to meet someone or plan a future with them, which was one of my big dreams before (marrying, children etc)