I'm sorry, honey. I know it's rough. My daughter is in a similar situation. I have hope for her, and I have hope for you, as well. Putting some good vibes out into the universe for you... 💜

40 years ago I was at a club. At closing time, I was sitting on the edge of the stage waiting for my friend to get her coat so we could leave. A guy walked up to me and said "me and my friends think you have the best legs we have ever seen". As they were leaving, he gave me a little wave.

I'm not super attractive, and don't often hear anyone say anything complimentary about my appearance, so that guy made my year!

I wish you well, Sweetie, and I truly hope it all works out for you. Good luck xx

Yeah, that's crossing the line for sure

Reminds me of a time when I had to take my daughter, who was 25 at the time, to the hospital. She lived in Florida; I lived in Maryland. While she was in the hospital I stayed at her place. I had to get a change of clothes and stuff for her before she came home. While in the bedroom to collect some belongings, I noticed a couple of toys by the side of her bed in a little bedside organizer. Some people use the for the TV remote, glasses, etc. Evidently some people use them as a little toy box

I did not mention that I had seen them.

The day after she returned to her apartment, I had folded some towels and went to drop them on her bed. The toys were no longer there.

She had to have known that I had seen them. We never spoke of it.

i dont want to embarrass myself by telling my friends

If your friends are true, they will support you.

i’m just looking for advice on how to work through the pain. i feel so sad all the time.

Sweetheart, the source of your pain is your boyfriend.

You are very young, and gods willing you have so much life yet to live. Do you really want to spend that time sad, lonely, and simply hoping for the best? Or do you want to be fulfilled and happy? Do you want to be loved and respected, or are you content with waiting out more "bad bits"

These are some of the choices you face right now. Think long and hard. Then choose wisely.

I think many women are attracted to kindness, humor, attention, caring, and intelligence. These are traits that mean more than looks.

So yes, women are frequently attracted to average guys.

That being said, I do notice objectively good looking men when I'm out and about. But can also acknowledge objectively attractive women, as well.

Conventionally good looks are conventionally good looks. People magazine would not have a Sexiest Man Alive issue otherwise.

This happened to my husband. Well, she actually told him he wouldn't work out as a patient. But he tried again, and found one who is really helping. Don't give up. You're worth it 💜

I have followed your story since the beginning. I am beyond delighted for you!! I wish you all the happiness in the world. You certainly deserve it 💜

She is soon going to become very powerful in her career and therefore society and we don't want her to lose touch with the family

You want her what she can do for you; you don't care about her at all

I'm sorry you're experiencing such heartache. It sounds like you're handling everything as best you can, given the circumstances. I hope you continue with therapy. I wish you all the best 💜

You already know the answer to your question. Yes, YTA.

I work as a tennis instructor from 2pm to 8 or 9pm weeknights

At least drive the poor kid to school every day. You live 20 minutes away. You don't work until the afternoon. Get your ass out of bed, drive her to school, then take a nap.

Right now you have a grieving child, and you're doing almost less than the bare minimum.

FFS. Do better.

Congratulations on getting your degree! This Internet Mom is sending you a virtual hug. Way to go! 💜

I am so sorry you have to go through this. You are a kind, caring person and they took advantage.

I admire your strength in this whole mess.

Please accept a virtual hug from an Internet stranger. You'll be ok.


Way back in 1995, well before the era of cellphone, I was hugley pregnant with my first child. My commute to work involved a bridge with virtually no shoulder. As I approached the bridge, my car just stopped running. I stopped, hoisted myself out of the driver's seat and just sort of stared at the car.

A woman pulled over, got out, and asked all the who/what/where questions. She asked for my husband's work number. Then she drove off and returned about a 45 minutes later. Turns out that she had gone over the bridge, found a payphone, called my husband, the drove back over the bridge, turned around, and headed back to the bridge right behind me, just to tell my she'd called my husband, a tow truck, and the police. She popped back in her car, drove off, and I never saw her again. She did all that during rush hour, and likely made herself late for work.

So to anyone in Pittsburgh who commutes over the Highland Park Bridge:- if you happen to run into an older black lady with a big heart, wavy hair, and a gigantic white Buick, please tell her thank you!

What's wrong with the name Silas? Did your family have a weird neighbor with that name or something? is it someone's goldfish's name? It's not like you're naming him Methuselah. You do you, boo.


Why are you even asking when you believe you're in the right? No one here agrees with you.

"My wife got more irrational after getting cancer.: WTF?

You didn't let your wife die in her hometown, even though that was a dying wish

You married a young local girl before your children were anywhere near done grieving.

In another comment you refer to your wife as a "woman who I care about and love above all " I assume that means more than your other children as well, which is probably glaringly obvious.

You replaced their mother with a woman they don't like and expect them to respect her; Newsflash: Respect is earned, not given.

Your children want to go home. You don't need to upend your life the way you drastically changed theirs. Let them go home and be with family who love them. You don't. You've got a shiny new family. Let the kids go

You care only for yourself, your wifey, and your unborn spawn. You have treated your children abysmally. They are losing any affection or respect that they ever had for you.

Oh, and in case I was unclear: YTA

My daughter went to college in Scotland. She once mentioned 'going to the packy' and all her friends went ballistic. She had to explain...