Any time you have a situation where a person's first term is spent preparing to campaign for a second you have a serious issue. 5 years one time ultimately makes more sense, IMO

Bet they were super vocal about trans people and kids

For sure. If the less reputable ones are doing it, the least reputable definitely is too. 

So glad I deleted my account.


We severely need to just admit the experiment has failed and split 4-12 ways.

What you want will never be okay with me, and what I want will never be okay with you.

Let's just call it quits. Why stay in a marriage this shitty?


The real reason - because low-quality bait sites literally financially thrive on pitting people against each other for incredibly arbitrary and inconsequential reasons. No real person thinks like this, and if they do it's because they've inculcated such media and made some aspect of their history - be it birth year, birthplace, etc - their whole identity because they've been told they're under attack for it. 

"Kids these days" - not that you are kids anymore - is the perennial target for outrage porn because frankly to someone who came into young adulthood in the early 00's, a lot of the styles and fashions of your time are odd at first blush - and then I remember what we were wearing and listening to and the colloquialisms we were using in 2000-2010, compared to what my immediate forebears reaching those same ages in the 90s liked, and suddenly 'your' stuff (generalization) isn't weird to me anymore. That's effectively all it is, weaponized culture shock.

A shotgun is the best gun in the world if it's what you have, but if you have any other option, especially indoors, the other option is better.

"Something has gone wrong" with a body of unelected judges who have simple-majority absolute lifetime authority to make the law mean anything they say, with zero checks on that power that mean a damn.  

No, something has gone inevitably.

Get armed Get trained Get with a group

This statement is literally "quietly let us impose draconian, unconstitutional laws on you, and nobody gets hurt"

Which means a lot of people are going to get hurt.

The first time someone steps out of line it's going to become total war against entire categories of people. Collective blame, collective punishment.

Can we have both drop out, thanks for playing, thanks for trying, let's get some people who actually have to live in the world for a while take the reins for a bit?

Okay so you know those animals that have evolved to not have eyes again after all?

After reading this comment, I 100% understand.

Are you a believer in law and order?

Yes or no.

Dammit I was literally about to say "Fuck that, give him a brojob for me"

I knew who he was, I just didn't really care.

After The Apprentice I just kind of thought he was a relatively harmless narcissist

After the campaigns I've realized he's a malignant narcissist who legitimately thinks he's the smartest man in the room, where most presidents at least understood that they weren't and recruited people who were.

I do agree that Trump should reject his racist supporters

And yet he doesn't; how curious.

Saying "the Klan" was a mistake.

There are dozens of decentralized, violent neonazi groups aside from just the Klan.

Yes, overall membership in any one is small. al Qaeda's numbers were small when they successfully attacked US soil for the first time since Pearl Harbor. And the second.

A, evidence that the Liberal MediaTM will in fact publish conservative stories/opinions.

B) But it's also fair to say the answer given isn't complete. Trump wrecked a good economy...that had never fully recovered from the last 'bust' of the boom-bust cycle Reaganomics and its continuation through every single subsequent presidency put us in.

None of them hold no blame.

Some do hold more.

If he were in a thong and shirt it'd be questionable at worst, but naked and touching yourself in public is beyond the pale.

I'm calling them two sides of the same coin. The Republicans have an agenda, the Dems have fundraising to 'fight' that agenda. Both ultimately serve the same purpose in effect.

Establisment RepubliCrats and DemoPublicans are why the political climate is what it is right now.

SES Gauntlet of Liberty

Still kind of impressive.