East Prussia. Leftover from WWII.

Mutual Musicians Foundation near 18th & Vine - after Midnight or 1 AM - jam sessions, free

Nuthin' like the old "vomit in the hair" routine!

There is a riverboat that has been turned into a hotel - the "River Inn Resort" with rooms on the Missouri River. It is in Brownville, Nebraska - only 2 hours away from KC.

Who is this person "Alex Jones"? Is he important somehow?

Tips are the way for the corporate people and the restaurants to keep from paying living wages.

Uh , . . there are a bunch of abandoned buildings nearby to crash in - no hotels in walking distance,

Well, it only took about 48 hours for your grandpa and crazy Uncle Marvin to spin it into "Jesus was convicted too."

Well, it only took about 48 hours for your grandpa and crazy Uncle Marvin to spin it into "Jesus was convicted too."

Well, it only took about 48 hours for your grandpa and crazy Uncle Marvin to spin it into "Jesus was convicted too."

Eighth guy from left just got executed for his miserable launch! Guns, not butter for all!

How about, "So corporate is making you do this? How do you feel about begging for management?"