Did you go from the scorpion str's to this? What's your first impression about them

Are those really jeans? They would be gone after sliding so long.

Boy, gear saved his ass. He'll still be burned though

Voel de pijn. Fuck die ambulancebroeders, dit is pas afzien.

Als het geen klappertjespistool of puddingbuks was wel ja.

Heftig man

Ooit bijna verdronken onder een vlot. Zo'n een die je wel vaker bij een recreatieplas ziet. Ik wilde er onderdoor zwemmen, stootte m'n hoofd geloof ik. Ik had lenzen in, dus kon m'n ogen niet open doen. Raakte vervolgens gedesoriënteerd, verder zwemmen. Raakte ik ineens de bodem. Afzetten omhoog, weer onder het vlot. Ondertussen razende paniek. Het is inmiddels zo'n 25 jaar geleden, ik weet niet meer exact hoe ik er onder vandaan ben gekomen, maar wel dat mijn longen bijna klapten en dat het serieus pijn deed.

Ook eens in Amerika bij warmwaterbronnen geweest, ik was toen 12 of 13. Er was een riviertje bij die in het midden vrij fors stroomde. Aan het bruggetje die eroverheen liep hing een touw, daar ging ik aan hangen (na anderen dat te hebben zien doen). Toen ik los liet bleef dat touw echter om mijn keel zitten, dan weet je lijf wel snel dat het menens is en schiet je idd vol in de adrenaline. Gelukkig uiteindelijk los kunnen komen (binnen een minuut), niemand had wat gemerkt.

My condolences for your loss. That's a terrible reason for a good solution

Nice stuff. But I guess most adv riders ride with inner tube.

That whistle and the tampon, brilliant.

I was just looking at a tool roll, your comment made me rethink. Thanks!

I recognise most of it. But the oxbowgear? A pump?

Edit: it's a light. Cool stuff

A list of your gear would be nice. I'm planning a trip for next month, so your topic comes right in time for me .


She already got it done, I didn't think they did a good job. Then shit leaked.

They installed new silicone. Poor thing, she looks butchered up. Would not recommend. She also has no pleasant sensation in her nipples, even after the first surgery.

It doesn't matter to me, but I think it's terrible it makes her unsure.

The doctors that did this, including the first one should be ashamed of themselves.


I guess if you get raped by a Mike Tyson lookalike your only chance of retaliation is to shit all over him out of shear fear. Everybody here talking like they are definitely murdering anybody that touches them. Even if you slit someones throat the bigger and more violent bunky could have enough time to kill you anyways. I'd imagine after getting raped there isn't much pride or courage left in your body.

Fingerbanging good....

I was at a campsite in Groningen the Netherlands a couple of weeks ago, I think washing and drying was €10,- which I found pretty steep at first. But on the other hand, would I want to wait for my clothes to dry for a fiver? Neh

If it works it ain't stupid.

Well done.

Hope you have a lot of fun exploring the main land ;)

Yeah, it's definitely not going to mimic a seat concepts or anything. But it will postpone a hurt butt

I second that thought... but it's not in my interest to get pulled over. I'll make sure it's just legal enough for the popo not wanting to investigate ;)

That Mosko moto stuf just looks the business doesn't it.

Great spot

Whenever I am laying carpet we blast through 10 a day sometimes.

No ignorance, that called willingness to learn

Wisdom comes with the years 😉

I just noticed, username checks out 😂

I've got ktech on my gsxr1000. Such quality stuff. I chose hyperpro for my Tenere, literaly ordered yesterday. They're Dutch and also an awesome company

Once you get used to quality tools you won't want to go back ever. I once had my shifting setup come loose on my racer during raceday. The bolt was a bit worn out, I believe it was inbus, could've been torx. I kept wearing it out further with my cheap ass set. Mate of mine fastened it easy with his set, I believe it was Hazet. Fit like a glove and didn't come loose after. I bought a set of quality tools as soon as I could afford it. Lifelong guarantee.

The odd set of cheap tools will do the job 8 out of 10 times, it's just nice to work with quality