Ok so the dragons breath doesn’t seem to one shot the tanks for us. At least the spider tanks if that’s what you were talking about. But it seems like the first two rooms don’t take us very long, it’s all the stuff getting from there to the boss room that do. Like all the jumping and everything lol

Thank you so much! We’ll try that out and see how it goes!

Help with Zero HourUncategorized

My friend and I are trying to beat Zero Hour on expert, but we keep running into one major issue. A lack of time. By time we get to the boss room, we have less than 5 minutes left. I'm having trouble finding any videos on how to get through it quickly. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

Dude that Nuka Cola one is sick! If you’re selling these then I’d buy that 100%

Down in Savannah, Georgia on River Street there’s these two famous candy shops. My friends love going in there but I can’t stand it because of the overly sweet smell lol

Blinky. When I first bought the trilogy for my 360 back in 2016, I couldn’t come up with a name so I chose Blinky for whatever reason my middle school self did. It’s just kinda stuck lol

I’m sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace and may you find peace as well.

To anyone in the future that comes to this post since you're having this problem too, I might have found a workaround. For this post, I uploaded the video that my OBS recorded. However, when I downloaded the Twitch vod and then uploaded that one, it now works. Same copyright claims, but it works for whatever reason now. The video is still blocked in Russia and Belarus, but that doesn't really matter to me lol. I'm still unsure as to why the OBS video doesn't work, but the twitch vod does. I think it may have to do with how the Twitch vod automatically mutes some audios though. If anyone ever comes up with an actual answer to this, feel free to comment it below!

Question about music isolation in videosQUESTION

So in Jschlatt's Day Z vods posted on his vod channel, we all know that the music that was playing in the stream isn't in the vod, but every other piece of audio is. Like his voice and the game audio. Can anyone tell me how he does it? I want to be able to stream while playing music, but then post a vod without the music since it'll give me copyright issues. Also, if there's a better subreddit to post this on then please let me know. I just don't know where else to go for this, nor what question to ask any other subreddit. Any help is welcome!

Just for clarification, the video is a 4 hour vod from a recent stream. I'm not looking to make any money off of my videos, so that's not the issue. I'm just confused as to why It's not letting me choose the other options when addressing the copyrighted music that was used in the vod. The video I'm trying to upload is not in a music playlist, nor any playlist at all. I'll probably just end up not posting it and it'll only be a thing up on my twitch if there isn't a workaround for this. But either way, any help is welcome!

Hey! What part of Georgia? I’m about 30 miles directly west of Atlanta and I’m only seeing the pink and purple in my area.

It might only be an eastern US and Western Europe thing, but I don’t know for sure. I can’t see it out my window either, but if I go outside then I can. If you see any other posts on here from your area of the country then you’ll know for sure!

So I followed this and some other comments about keyframing. But the issue I’m having is once the text moves left into the black border around the video, I need it to disappear so that it looks like it’s out of frame. Is there any way to do that?

So I followed this and what u/ratocx said and for the most part I got what I’m looking for. The only issue is once the text hits the black border around the video, I need it to disappear. How would I do that?

That makes sense. Is fusion a separate program I need to download? But thank you regardless! I’ll definitely look into that.

I’m not sure. I’m sure there’s a way but this is my first time using this program so I don’t know how to do that.

Help figuring out how to keep text still as video scrollsHelp | Beginner


I'm looking for a way to keep added text still as the video plays on. I don't know if this is possible with the free version, but if it is then I'm open to any and all ideas. Any help is welcome! If I need to provide any more information then please let me know and I will provide it for you.

Gotcha, so I would need the headset and microphone separate instead of it being one thing in order to get what I’m looking for?

Help with mic audioTechnical Help

I just today got a HD60X and I’m using it for my Xbox Series S. When I hook it all up, OBS doesn’t pick up my headset audio when the headset is connected to the Xbox. I can connect a different headset to my laptop, and the mic works from there. But then I can’t hear the Xbox audio. Any ideas? If I need to add any additional info please let me know. Any help is welcome and thank you in advance!