I remember a briefing when I first got stationed in Germany. Don’t make fun of the German soccer team, you will get a mobbed by hooligans and they will beat you up. I thought it was funny, till I actually saw how serious Europeans were about soccer. Good times! It actually made me enjoy soccer and appreciate it. Good times!

That’s really fcking annoying you’d do that in a residential area. R.I.P to the lady that just put her toddler down for a nap or to sleep in general

I remember being stationed in Europe. We were at the comissary waiting in line to get sandwiches. This Puerto Rican lady with a double wide natural behind walks past the line and swear she caught the attention of everyone in line. My wife had taken a premade sandwich already and she gawks at the lady’s behind in disbelief. She sees that I myself am caught off guard and taking a look. She then proceeds to stick the sandwich in my face and says, “what are you looking at?!” The lady behind me says to my wife. “Girl I’m looking at her ass too!” My wife then laughed and let it go. I swear if she wasn’t there. That would have been a silent ride home followed with some words when got to base housing. Shout out to that lady that saved me from a domestic violence dispute situation, that would have resulted on behalf of my wife.

I hope his parents whipped his ass afterwards.

Go to Japan! In Hawaii your wife is not going to like the heat or the sand!

A female who has adopted masculine traits! Yeah! No thanks!

Ugh everyday before my body touches my sheets. I can’t understand how people can be sweaty most parts of the day, and then go lay down in bed for the night, eww!

Soooo.. As an individual that has been to combat before. I’m sure there was a lot of resistance leading to get to that camp. That said, you become very numb when you see and do things yourself. So maybe yes, in a sick way as YOU see it. That is disturbing to a normal person who isn’t trained or equipped for that. However, by experience. I would be glad to take a break from killing and having to look over my shoulder every few seconds.

It’s almost like having a newborn. You hear him/her cry so much, that when you hear another baby cry and yours is asleep. You don’t mind the crying and you’re glad it’s someone’s else’s baby and not yours.

I have to live with what I have done, but him bashing his skull in with a shovel. That something he’s gonna have to deal with, if he has that kind of personality trait. It ain’t me killing him. However, I have not the slightest clue what that Jewish person went through.

All I know from my experience there is that of a dialogue from a passage I read. “We entered Dachau and a super malnutrition prison fell to his knees when we came in and “liberated” the camp. I covered him with my army issued cold weather gear because he needed much more than I did.”

If I would have walked through the camps and seen the carnage that the nazis did. Seeing kids and elderly piled up in the gas chamber. Do you honestly think that I would care about some psycho nazi being killed. Fck him! That’s what he gets. That Nazi made me see stuff that no human being should ever in counter. That’s what he did to my psyche. So no sir, I don’t find it sad. I find it very rewarding that I don’t have to kill another human being, all the while watching someone else do that type of work. Killing can be extremely exhausting. Especially when you’re wondering why these people are doing the things they did.

I probably wouldn’t even do that. I remember my wife and child visiting there because I was stationed in Europe that was the most eerie place I’ve been to. You could feel that there were people in those rooms that you were standing in looking at you. If I came across some gold teeth, Brother I’m leaving them there.

As a former American soldier myself, if I had came into that camp and saw the heinous crimes that were being done to the Jewish people. If those prisoners were executing the SS. I would sit my back up against the wall, take out my rations and start eating it. I would just watch and let them execute them. I wouldn’t say a word or bat an eye.

Because people entertain that bullshit, therefore it continues.

Dude probably didn’t want any smoke. From experience, walking into an open mat with a purple belt is a fckin death sentence at some gyms. Probably wanted to play it safe. Not saying he was right in lying, but I understand in a way if he was hiding it. I just want a workout, I’m not here to prepare for Abu Dhabi my man.

Do you think they were afraid of him? If I found out he just “kissed” my daughter. Id like to say I’d beat his ass, but in reality I just woulda called the cops. They didn’t even do that. I think they should be charged. They knew it happened. My anger is that it would have happened to another child if they would have let it go. Behavior like that you don’t just sweep under the rug.

Right! Did they figure they didn’t want to ruin what he built up? Fck that! He deserves to lose everything! Did the parents not take into consideration that he’ll just victimize someone else since they let him get away with it? I’m just not understanding how you don’t report that. Were they buying drugs from him or were they involved in some illegal activities with him. I’m just not understanding there way of thinking. Those two reasons would be the only thing I can think of to warrant there type of behavior in this matter. Did they come from a country where they lost their humanity seeing crazier shit go down and they just figured it can’t be worse than where we came from?! someone fckin enlighten me.

Yo! Yo! Wait hold up! Now… I can be slightly retarded at times. But please, someone tell me the science behind her parent’s thoughts? Why in thee fck would you not report it?! They invited him to the house to discuss what!? Maybe this is a bad dream and it’s late and I probably didn’t hear the reporter correctly. In all seriousness, WTF!!

Stupid question! I never had the chance to go to Iraq. I went to Afghanistan instead, can someone just tell me how hot they think it was that day? I see documentaries of soldiers saying it reach a 120 degrees out there. Can you also tell me what months they were? In just curious by nature btw. Also, did yall have potable water In that campaign?

There is a tree full of shoes somewhere in that state lol