It does, 16 (sedici) is the only difference since italy still follows the number+decem rule

Don't worry man i'm just special for overthinking little details, glad i could share some little insight tho

If you think about it it's actually the opposite, 17 18 19 are normal as ventisette, ventotto, trentasettw, trentotto, and even ventuno ventidue and so on follow the same logic. It's actually 11 to 16 that are the special one. It's like english (where 11 and 12 are exceptions) but we took also 13 14 15 and 16 for good measure

I think playing cyberpunk might have a part in that but as a foreigner judy is not that old sounding

Girlies love 3c cannons

Oh don't ask me i'm just guessing here, maybe that's just a loophole that isn't supposed to be there

There could be a legal explanation for the second one tho, some way of protecting underage users

Maybe they should add some supply line/tactical planning explanation so we can stop seeing post about attacking certain planets and whatnot


I opened the link fully expecting that and still waited till the end of the ad for the giggles

That’s why my eruptor feels strange isn’t it?

They bombed Heineken, that was zweiken

Death killing a forest. Druid wants to protect, cleric want to help and necrobro is pulling an uno reverse card /s

Actually the first living beings to roam the earth had fucking scales and i doubt they where pink nor brown

The superior one

I think it does have crazy details but it's not blended very well

What do you mean? Is ryan reynolds not available?

I Heard about that place

That's actually half true, there's some sort of white plank between his legs to which the mirror is attached in a T shape

Edit: jk there's just a white box in front of the mirror and i may need glasses

I don't know the first thing about programming and this engine specifically (i only heard it's quite old and not supported anymore?) but if they managed to do that without breaking anything or having to work overtime i could be even happier than after last patch