Freedom OF religion and Freedom FROM religion are really the take away points.

It would seem they missed that lesson.

Ayase, Kanagawa here. Felt nothing.

Hope everyone is safe!

Props to the bouncer. And I won't often say that, as a rule of thumb, because 95% of them I've met are cock bags.

But the slap was the safest course to hopefully snap this dude out of his stupid ass behavior while not also putting him in the hospital for being drunk and stupid.

Looking at the photo, id try two chairs to the left and right of the fire place, one couch opposite them closer to the viewing point with the tv on the left wall. A small chaise or something similar(smally comfy spot to sit, with some.complimentary shelving or stands for plants. Good way to draw the eye to the windows, accentuate the fire place, and still have the TV. I'm always a proponent of not centering a room around the tv, unless it's a movie focused room or household. Bring back conversation pits!

Beautiful room, by the way. Congrats on the new place!

As I like to say, if the punishment for a crime is a fine, it's only a suggestion for the wealthy. Physical implements such as barriers or speed bumps are the way to go here. They'll issue ansuoid amount of tickets until the council wises up. I say wises up, bc eventually people will go nuts.

Hammer Vibe - Red Pearl - high rev - 714

At a glance,(not a pro) consistency in release is a plus in my book for 2H's. So working on your slide foot(appeared to stiffen up and not really slide to me), making sure your center of gravity is good.

If your hitting a good comfy mark each time, your hips aren't clanging and you're getting a little lower, I think you'll find it better. You also appeared to muscle the ball a bit. Is it too heavy? Try starting lower on form practice before working up? One of the benefits I'd think of 2H is being able to really let the ball do the work. Slow it down and let it drop on the backend comfortably if it's a shorter house shot.

Those are just my off the cuff remarks. I don't want to try and give you bad advice you'll have to unlearn later, but those are generally good things to look at.

But most importantly, have fun!

I just read your post text.

Sorry that happened to you. They're not wrong about following. Once you have the plates, it's not worth it. Folks will do some silly stuff these days.

Hope it works out for you.

There's so many good looking ones in my area too!

I'm going to tell you something your father clearly didn't.

Noone likes an asshole.

I guess go follow someone in Columbus on bike and give us your thoughts afterwards?

You're welcome.

Bought a 4-door set for my '16 Ford Fusion years back, almost certain it was this website. So many compliments and it made my car waaaaaaaaay cooler.

Just don't let my husband roll down the back window 100% while going 85 on the highway. They can take decent speed driving with the windows down, BUT NOT THAT FAST HUSBAND.


Youd think that, and anywhere else, you'd be correct.

But this is off base in Ayase, used to American presence with a decent few American cars around so not that much of an attention grabber. Plus, the jeeps and stuff they have here get better fuel mileage and have more features. Everyone driving down the road watching live TV in their console 🤣. Crazy

Yea, the prices have gone up. They know what they got 🤣

Good eye and great knowledge! Pic was shitty because my husband was driving and we couldn't slow down lol

So! Not to type too much, bc im reading a book on my break and it's lunch, buuuuuut...

Skylines are huge here. Right outside of base, they all know what Americans want. They yen tanked 10 years back and everyone snapped up all the skylines and shipped them back home. They've learned their lesson. Alot of the car groups here in Japan don't like that us Americans are snapping them up to ship them out of country so they're pretty much selling them what they know they'll go for back in the US. Context, this is a dealership right outside of base that assists us in registering at city hall, and all the taxes and what not. As stated in a diff comment, across the street, they have a $100k USD skyline as well. My coworker drives a skyline as well he's done some work on. I'll post a pic if I remember since I'm staring at it in the PLot lol. I see about, ....10 of them a day here driven by folks on base.

Base auto, but yea. The 100 grand one at wellchams they kept at lot 2 isn't listed on the website, but I drove by it like a month ago. It's tarped.

Thanks everyone! Couldn't find it on the dealers stock page, but once ya'll gave me the model(should've known skyline!), I found it.

Here's the listing if you're interested, lol. Thanks again!

I can walk over and get some more shots if you'd like, I bought my '02 Daihatsu Mira Gino from this spot and know all the guys.

Ahh, figured it was like all the lightweight cars they used to race in the 90's. See all sorts of stuff out here, lol