^ This. And also, I would get your own structural engineer to walk through it rather than taking the word of theirs. There IS a lot of potential here if the home is priced low and you can grow its value over time with repairs to be more in line with other houses. Walk away if it IS a water issue, but if it's not and it truly is cosmetic I think it's a great opportunity. There's a reason that the adage of "buy the cheapest house you can afford in the nicest area" holds true: the ceiling to increase its worth is higher.

SO much easier to make the bed in this one. Changing sheets with half the bed against the wall sucks.

There's a lot of stuff I dislike about AA, but one of their recommendations I think holds water is "Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others"

If you were a shitheel to your folks, apologize to them. Be heartfelt, acknowledge the pain you caused, and resolve to do better. And then make good on it by doing better.

Same for your friends. Apologize for drawing away (if you still want to reconnect with them), etc.

They don't owe you forgiveness, but just the act of (truly) apologizing can also help you.

I would have also accepted "old waterwheel mill" or "windmill" pattern XD

I've seen some of these cleverly broken apart into an upper and lower accent cabinet. It can look really cool!


Part of this is also insurance. If you hit a deer, it's a deer strike/act of god, and it's covered. If you swerve, miss the deer, exit the road and hit a tree, insurance doesn't cover it as no-fault / act of god, it sees it as, at least partially, your fault, and this affects your risk level and rates.

As a previous and present bengal owner, they're just oranges on steroids XD

You call it what my husband called our yard when we moved into our first home. The dandi-lawn XD

It is a little fussy, but not too bad! Just use a foam detail roller, and don't overwork the paint (i.e. roll so there's no drips, but you need to allow it to settle and self-level rather than keep rolling at it to the point where it can no longer self-level and develops a texture).

They do make tub and tile paint. I did our almond colored bathtub about 15 years ago and it's held up very well. Only in the last couple years did it start to crack, but those are on the corners of the tub where it flexes with heat and weight: tile won't do that. Even if you left the bottom of the shower as-is you could use special tile paint on the walls and bench and that'd buy you several years until you do a full remodel.

I'd say tile paint, wall paint, ceiling texture (as others pointed out), and updating the vanity would help a ton with a fraction of the cost of a gut and reno.

A lot of legal things (who gets the house if you die, who can make your medical decisions if you cannot, etc.) default to the spouse. You CAN get that all in a normal relationship, but it's a mountain of paperwork and not on the same legal defensible position as a spouse. So in that respect, it's 1 legal document that sorts a whole host of other legal issues.

Likely cataracts. While they normally show up in old age, one of our cats was born with birth-defect cataracts and we actually got him eye surgery to remove his cloudly lenses and replace them with artificial clear ones when he was 9 months old. Or most recent cat to pass (she made it to 23!) had cataracts in old age, and they came on gradually enough that she adapted just fine, even though by the end she couldn't see much at all.

or the smell. When your eyeballs are being burnt by the laser, you learn that it smells just like burning hair or fingernails. Totally agree, the best thing I've ever done, and I NEVER want to do it again.

This can be a sign of heart failure. To the Emergency vet ASAP (former vet tech)

Hahhaha I had ankle surgery so driving is tough for me (it's my pedal foot). Safer for everyone if I stay home and tip well :)

hahaha our storm door swings out, so if they're waiting at the door I need them to move--saves everyone hassle if I can beat them to the punch!

That's why I included the food total, so thank you for giving me a threshold!

Good to know! thank you :)

Awww ^_^ well that makes me happy, thank you!

Hahahaha Challenge accepted!

That's really helpful! Thank you so much-- I might have to bump it up just to get into the Very Good range XD

I try! I used to be a server but that was a long time ago and post-covid I won't even pretend to know what a good tip is for delivery. Thank you for letting me know :)

Whew! Okay thank you! <3

Actual question from a customer: I always tip $7 every Friday for the same 2 pizza delivery order ($25 or so food total) that's about 4 minutes from their store. Is this considered a good tip for an order that's easy, not far away, and I'm always waiting at the door for them? ETA: I live in a medium-low cost town in the Midwest.