I nailed a deer at 55 mph. Fucker got up and took off sprinting full speed. It’s good to know he wasn’t hurt too badly. Unlike my truck.

RIP Larry. Your work ethic and skill continue to shine on.

Lint rolled into Rick rolled. Damn. Tough day for a tick

They’re always around but they took a hiatus from homicides and were chiefly orchestrating white collar extortion schemes. The makeup and the white collars didn’t work well together.

Don’t get a lot of “whilst” on Reddit hithertofore.

Having a semi-conscientious co-conspirator was a good move.

Like they’re being tickles with an electric feather on the inside of the sack.

Plaque sticks to the inside of your blood vessels.

Not sure what issues you’re referring to. General discourse is a good thing in a democracy. The identity politics tends to be an issue when the weight of the opinion is based on the opening disclaimer “as a ……”

Unless you’re compelled to polish some of those parts for a better photo

That’s disgusting. Tell me the details…. slowly.

Me thinks thou doth protest too much.