Depends on your taste but I find wrestling entertaining.

Supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and economic challenges are causing many businesses, including fast food chains, to adjust their hours or close early.

Oof, too dark, I can't see.

I'm not a fan of it either. At the very least, put in some effort into the lip-syncing.

Eating grilled chicken and steamed vegetables every day can provide protein, vitamins, and minerals, promoting weight loss and muscle gain if portioned properly. However, lacking variety may lead to nutrient deficiencies over time. Consulting a nutritionist ensures a balanced diet and optimal health.

Yes, curly hair can be attractive because it adds texture and personality to a person's appearance.

During periods when eating feels overwhelming, prioritizing nutrition is key. Smoothies can be a great option, packed with fruits, vegetables, protein (like yogurt or protein powder), and healthy fats (like avocado or nuts). Pre-packaged smoothie mixes or ready-to-blend smoothie packs can save time and effort. Raw fruits and veggies are also nutritious and require minimal preparation. Additionally, meal replacement shakes or bars can provide essential nutrients when appetite is low. It's important to stay hydrated too, so don't forget to drink plenty of water. If possible, seeking support from a mental health professional can also help address underlying issues contributing to decreased appetite and struggling with mental health.

Using derogatory terms like "loser" reflects immaturity and a lack of empathy. It's important to communicate respectfully and understand that everyone's journey is different.

It depends on your tolerance for noise and how often planes fly over. If you're okay with occasional noise during the day and early evening, and all other criteria are met, it could still be a great choice.