FPS Doug LMAO. "Everybody runs faster with a knife"

The Inferi dude said "I want you bang your head like you got free healthcare!" and I haven't stopped thinking about how fucking funny it was

Not me, but my friend's parents convinced him that he was part dolphin and that all the portraits and figurines around their house were of his oceanic family.

The piece was dead as hell, why even rope it?

Call Underbelly and see if they are selling at the door, thing about that is it'll probably be way more expensive if they are

I knew what it was before I even turned the sound on. Seeing them tomorrow night, going to be fun!

I used to ask my boss if he needed his diaper changed. Might work lmao

I'd also tell him to take his old ass home. He's only in his fifties.

But we also cut trees down for a living, and from what I understand, the environment is different, and all the old guys think they can treat you however they want.

They can't.

Not spending time with my family in my teens and early twenties. I just assumed they'd always be there.When my sister unexpectedly passed away, it tore my family apart, and now we're more distant than ever, even though we all still live in the same town.

How the F did I just realize that Mark Proksch is Nate?? He's my favorite character, Colin Robinson, on What We Do In The Shadows!

Cosmic is for people who have lived and loved and lost more than they thought their own hearts and souls could take. People who have seen the beginning and the end and everything in between all at once. You don't get it and maybe you never will, either way it's fine. Until then just enjoy the music.

I feel this on a personal level. The night my sister over dosed and passed away, I was on my way to pick up her and my brother and my car broke down, but I didn't want to bother my girlfriend to go get them, so I just got a ride home and told them I'd catch up with them later. My brother went to his house and my sister went off with her "friend". I tortured myself with the what ifs for years.

It's outstanding how many people will put several lives at risk, including their own, just to get one car ahead that's stopped at the same light as everyone else.

Chapter Four, then I saw the Unholy Confessions video the next day and then I saw them live at Warped Tour like two weeks after that. Good times! 2004, I think.

It was definitely my introduction to them! Thank you, this was awesome!