Also single, no kids.

But my birthdays are great. Why? Because *I* make them that way. Respectfully, instead of moaning and complaining, plan something great for yourself!

Also, I turned 50 less than a week after the whole damn world shut down due to COVID. My shitty 50th beats your shitty 50th! LOL

Yeah, well, now things have changed.

Now, you have a guy who REPEATEDLY tries to or actually enters your apartment because you're too much of a naïve little girl to lock the door.

Here's some real world talk from someone who's been living in apartments longer than you've been alive: next time, it might not be the autistic kid from upstairs who just walks in because your dumb ass thinks you don't need to lock the door. Next time, it might someone looking for drugs or stuff to steal to sell to get drugs. Next time, it might be someone who'll sexually assault you. Next time, it might be someone who'll KILL you. Stop being stupid. LOCK THE DAMN DOOR.

But hey, go ahead and call me names, too. All that proves is that I'm right and you know it.

Your husband is a disrespectful POS.

So yes, start leaving without him.

Let him face the consequences of his behavior.

If Emma paid for the supplies, pay her back.

I have to wonder why you're so in need of your friends being supportive of you getting a pet.

NTA, but you need to reduce your contact with Emma

gays can exist just so long as he doesn't have to look at it and they don't get to get married or have kids like people who have done it the "right way."

hes not homophobic

Please, please, please, PLEASE tell me you see the contradiction and the pure, unadulterated HATE he has for the LGBTQ community.

Get your head out of your ass and end this relationship.

How can I explain my viewpoint without coming across as disrespecting his opinions?

You can't.

Dude's a pig and you need to end this thing once and for all.

So all you want is a meaningless fuck.

You’re a real prince. /s

What you want no longer matters.

DO NOT upend this woman’s life because you were an idiot.

She’s happy…WITHOUT YOU.

The whole family is absolutely trash. Why are you with this loser? The reason he preys on younger women like you is because women his own age won’t put up with his shit…or his family’s.

Pack up your kid and leave.

OP looked easy to manipulate because she’s young.

The flight attendant likely thought young = stupid, too.

And he’s not a douchebag either

All evidence to the contrary…

Your dad is a fucking pig.


You have irrevocably fucked up your relationship with your daughter.

You deserve this.

You accused her of STEALING.

You called her a BITCH.

You failed to believe your daughter.

You refused to acknowledge that you could have lost your card.

You are taking NO responsibility for your behavior.

You aren’t going to see your daughter again if she can help it.

Oh, honey.

You are a stunning example of why some people hate working with Gen Z.

I don’t hate Gen Z. But you, OTOH, are a source of immense amusement at how self-righteous you’re getting.

Toodles, Problem Child.

She’s not going to tell you anything. Stop asking her.

Stop underreacting to this. Find a divorce lawyer. Tell that person EVERYTHING, including your (STBX) husband’s accusation. Do it Monday.

He could ruin your life.

He could decide that you need to be punished for killing his sister (yes, I know you didn’t…HE doesn’t believe it).

He could go to your employer and tell them what he believes.

Where is your sense of urgency, FFS?

I claim Holiday Weekend Brain for blanking out on a word I heard all through my childhood!

Good luck, Problem Child.

Your unwillingness to accept feedback you don’t like is going to cost you your job.

You’ve got a lot of unearned arrogance and hubris.

His intentions are not good. He understands everything you’ve told him about your issues.





Get individual counseling. You shouldn’t go to therapy with your abuser.

Can you make “Awwww, What a Cutie Face” into a Jewish name???? What a little sweetie!

I will NEVER, EVER communicate with you without witnesses.

We’re DONE here. Permanently.

You’re a snotty little brat now. Which reconfirms the opinion I refuse to elaborate on because I’m not getting banned for the likes of you.

We’re done here.