I know low key kinda feel bad, but it’s a snark page.  Best if she stays out for her own mental health.  She’s a public figure with almost a half million followers.  This is par for the course.  Expect opinions you don’t like!  She puts her life out there for scrutiny. 

She hasn’t posted all day….

Yall think she's lurking here?

She posts the dogs and uses the same language as Manana.  The red nails as someone else pointed out.  She very much is copying her big sister.  I mean, I’m wayyyy older than Jess.  She’s just really young and isn’t a grown up yet.  I think of her like a teenager and hasn’t really grown into herself yet

Agree.  They are good friends and that why they get along.  He is really into aesthetics and she fits the bill.  BUT I see him with a much more softer, feminine energy- would be a much more balanced relationship.  Also- not sure if you saw the subscriber Q&A and her posting that she’s not pregnant.  LOL. Girl gives ZERO chemistry vibes with him, could never imagine them actually doing the deed! 

She’s always thought she’s hot shit.  She tries way too hard.  Not that pretty.  Her nose flares way too wide.   Desperate vibes 

Not gonna lie- I wouldn’t mind him as my dentist. He’s so anal and clean. I know he would do a good job! 

She looked WAY better as a brunette. Fully agree

I know right.  They aren’t intellectual enough to just say “plant based”. I’m vegan and that shit is annoying.  Plus they get a shit ton of animal skin (leather).  You can’t do that as a vegan lol.  Idiots

You are awesome to share these. Thank you!!! Manana is insecure and cray lol.  At least she admits that she’s toxic.  Phew.  These two need to break out of their Las Vegas bubble and separate and live their lives 

I hate to be so critical of her body (she’s also so gorgeous) but you can tell her she has a lot of stretch marks and a lot of loose skin because of the weight loss.  I think her thick feed and legs are genetics.  Manana went after her after and Jess after her mom. 

Her cheek fillers….

Her fillers are out of control! I can't imagine if she continues what her face will look like....


WOW.  I didn’t even realize the no friends! Maybe they don’t want to be on camera? I dunno. But I agree.  So so true. 

Ooooooofffffffff yassssssss. Did not think this!!!!

Go away OP.  We aren’t living in an effing bubble.  I’m not evil nor a miserable person.  Just self aware and a mature adult who sees BS! 

lol, guyzzzz we are all loserrrzzzz.  Gimme a break.  We all know that Reddit posts spit out facts and yes, it’s fun! 

Oh hunny. You’re probably young, still in college and haven’t seen the real world.  You gotta care.  Ignorance isn’t bliss.  Get out of the bubble and step into reality.  

Again…. You need help.  You sound like a pot belly old man who needs to get laid.  Get off of Reddit and do something better with your life.    I wish you well and hope karma doesn’t get you too bad 👋🏼🤘🏼🤞🏼✌🏼

Not OC sorry, but Crossroads in LA is a cruelty free delicious option.  I’ve been to the one in Vegas as well and was blown away by their unique food.  Gracias Madre is another fav- very hip and fun. Delicious food and ambiance! 

Ew. You need help. Hope Jesus saves you from your sins! lol 

Google “cognitive dissonance”.   For someone like Reece to be SO connected to her faith, I expected better.  Just shows how blind she is.  I hope she sees the light in her lifetime.  

Also, killing an animal is so barbaric.  I can’t imagine how people find joy in it? Maybe these folks need to get out of their bubble and see there are much more ethical and compassionate ways to have “fun”.  Go to theme park, go bowling, join a sports team etc. It’s 2024- there are better options across the board that don’t take away an innocent creatures life! 

Uhhh she kills animals and posts glory pics with their carcass.  What actual jesus loving “thou shall not kill” person does that???   She’s a hypocrite!