Sporty Spice if you’re into athletics

Ginger Spice if you’re into redheads

Scary Spice if you’re into mystery

Posh Spice if you’re into sophistication

Baby Spice if you’re into…

“Motherfuck you damn shithead bitch”

-Too Short

15 million in offered scholarships only puts her in the top 5%?

That seems like #1 numbers to me.

“My good sir, how many framed portraitures do you plan on bringing to the dorm this upcoming semester?”

“I do believe approximately two dozen of my finest framed portraitures.”

“Spot on, Old Chap! I do believe we will get along just fine!”

“Excuse me…do you play requests?”

“Hell ya! What do you want?”

“Some peace and fucking quiet.”

Your examples of rent and daycare only add up to $50,000 (assuming only one child) which would leave the couple in question with $110,000 to pay for groceries and such. Seems like plenty.

“Abso-fucking-lutely not”

-Roofing Repair Company

Kurt Vonnegut did it earlier:

“…the government, to encourage volunteers for death, set up a purple-roofed Ethical Suicide Parlor at every major intersection, right next door to an orange-roofed Howard Johnson's. There were pretty hostesses in the parlor, and Barca-Loungers, and Muzak, and a choice of fourteen painless ways to die. The suicide parlors were busy places, because so many people felt silly and pointless, and because it was supposed to be an unselfish, patriotic thing to do, to die. The suicides also got free last meals next door.”

Wait…you’re the volcanologist!

Quick question: Are we sure that human sacrifice into volcanoes does not quench their thirst for destruction?

How many penetrometers would a volcanologist go through in a month?

Compost the rich and grow something better

It’s pretty easy to make 1.6 pennies a year. The trick is to live off that amount.

Snake needed to secure its entree before eating the appetizer.

Oh, because I’m a monkey I like bananas? Fuck you!

I believe Guinness was an attempt to end drunken bar arguments over who was “best” or “most” of something.

Maybe don’t take your diabetic kid trick or treating for candy

Did I just witness the Big Bang?

Please do Chin-Li helicopter kick!

Excuse me? Would you take a doodle of me real quick?