That scene was hysterical. And then the housekeeper is like GET OUT when she's done ridiculing her ignorance. I love Eloise to death but she had that one coming.

I watched the new season without rewatching the first two, and I was pretty engaged with the Polin story. Then I rewatched the whole show and realized I don't give two shits about the romance, I want these girlies to reunite! The friendship of Eloise and Pen is the real love story/tragedy for me.

Also not trying to be a jerk, but this whole thread is reinforcing my belief that our standards are WAY too low for issuing licenses. It's a dangerous activity for competent people, let alone what we've got going on here.

That one is so common irl too, it's super aggravating.

That's such a good point and it definitely worked! Her hotness in that ridiculous outfit was a topic of conversation at the time.

It happens even if you don't become a parent. My empathy for children has grown so much as I age, and it makes me hurt for little me and my siblings. It's a strange phenomenon to reach a place where you can look back and see yourself as any child who deserved to be nurtured. I would hate the shit out of anyone who raised their kid like I was raised, but I never connected that to an idea that I too was just some little kid who should've been able to feel loved.

Grew up in Indiana, went back for a visit and had a group of friends try to bully me into agreeing this dude is hot as shit. He looks exactly like every dumbass trash-hole we hated in high school, guess the brain rot hits if you never leave.

Exactly my thing too. I love the idea of the porch but it always feels too exposed when I try to hang out there.

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I think that's the beauty of that phrase. It can go either way and nobody can be sure of the meaning. It's definitely used to pacify people who do have a messy home and guests don't want to embarrass them, but it's also meant genuinely sometimes when a house is nice but not sterile.

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I got the Joja outfit and then a Link outfit. Will never touch that hideous Joja one but Link's is cute!

I followed your instructions expecting to disagree with your assessment at least a little, but nope you're absolutely right he was way too much of a man in 2008

I always do a window seat and I have a bubble butt. Every time the aisle person has boarded first (in first class), they already have a drink sitting in the center console that they leave there when they let me in. I usually pick up their drink for them so my ass doesn't swipe it, but I've learned to try to board early just for this goofy awkwardness.

Yep it was Dwight, I just saw this episode yesterday and he was unmistakable lol

I have Soundhound, but that little blip is too short for it to pick it up I guess. Love those apps in most cases though!

FTE usually means full time exempt, meaning you're salaried and exempt from OT pay.

She did Peter Pan though lol. I did not enjoy it except for Christopher Walken giving absolutely nothing.

My hero!!! I have tried to find it so many times over the years. It's beautiful!

The lake push is my favorite moment of the whole show. And that little balloon shot always makes me want to find that song! If anyone knows who it is, please spill!

Kinda glosses over the fact that a good guy was dying BECAUSE of Faith, whether it was her bf or not, so it was fully heroic and justified to save him by killing her. It's not like Angel was feeling hungry so Buffy just offered up Faith. Faith isn't terribly rational though.