I've seen this kind of thing about half a dozen times. Is this a phenomenon that Magic players suffer from? There are people who just try to collect as many copies of a single card as possible? What's the point of this? Is it bragging rights or something? Like "haha, look how many of this I have!"

I'm mostly a YGO player, but have gotten into MTG for a couple years now. YGO players don't normally do this kind of thing, lol.

"Ghosts cope". That's it, we're coining that term here and now. Anytime someone says an older bad CoD was good suffers from ghosts cope.

I gotta go with CoD on this one. That 2003-2012 era was pure gold.

I played a little bit of Minecraft and while it was fun and creative, I didn't play it long enough to say I would keep it.

While I absolutely loved GTA V and played the hell out of it, it was the only game in the series I sunk hundreds of hours into.

As for Valorant, well, I've heard of it and don't intend on playing it.

Obelisk, Slifer, & Ra

Sony, Microsoft, & Nintendo

Papa Bear, Mama Bear, & Baby Bear

Squirtle, Charmander, & Bulbasaur

Trevor, Michael, & Franklin

Aragorn, Legolas, & Gimli

Red, White, & Blue (lol)

Pretty spot on list, my guy! Though IMO, I'd move IW up a tier and put MW19 in good tier at the least. BO4 not sure, maybe good/bad? It's not trash, but it's not great either.

I get the feeling you don't know how a Spirit Bomb aka Genki Dama actually works. It absorbs a persons life force, not ki energy. Those are two very different things. A persons ki energy does not influence how powerful the Genki Dama is going to be. Everyones life energy is roughly the same.

The bottom line is: Goku needed his ki energy back via a wish to push the bomb back at Kid Buu to kill him. It happens in both manga and anime—clear as day. No outside source is going to change that.

I guess my issue with that though is this post is implying that cod4 and bo1 are equally good. Since Ghosts is not as good as the previous titles, I don't consider it as iconic.

Bro, she's right there! She's just invisible. Pic 21, obviously.

Then you guys are in the minority. When this game came out, the general consensus was pretty everyone didn't like it or even outright hated it. It may have improved a little over time, but it's nowhere near as good as the games before it.

You did NOT just include Ghosts amongst those legendary titles. That game was trash—mediorce at best and everyone knows it.

Should've been Bardock instead. Then it would make more sense given how enamored Chronoa is about him Xenoverse

Mystery Men for sure. That movie is absolutely hilarious. It's got a star-studded cast aswell. It's got a "street-wise hero" spin to it with comedic elements. I highly recommend.

"Bounce": Return card from field to hand "Spin": Return card to deck "Mill"(Also a Magic term): Send cards from top of deck to GY

Where do you get the idea she has semi-infinite(which is a contradiction, btw) energy? She's just a regular human. We don't know what kind of power or potential Marron has.

This is another instance of confusion concerning the English Dub referring to 17 & 18 as "Androids." They are not androids, they are cyborgs—cybernetically enhanced humans, Hence, Marron is just human. Plain and simple.

By buying millions of tickets with different numbers. You basically brute forced your way to victory.

  1. F.E.A.R.
  2. Hitman?
  3. Fallout?
  4. Metro
  5. ???
  6. ???

"Yeah! Wooo! Bring it on, sucka. This my kind of shit!

The pc community, sure. Not the console peasants like me, lol.

People misuse the word uncle all the time and it's annoying. You cannot be an uncle to a family you're not related to. Goku and Vegeta's families are completely different.