Pink in the corner, you know it's hard!

But for real, that was super impressive - nice send!

I'd suggest maybe searching for jobs classified as GL (general labour). There are a million sub-groups in GL, but it's all manual labour type stuff / building maintenance / field work. Organizations like Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada hire a decent amount of GL.

Thanks for sharing those links, I wasn't aware that they were moving toward the privatization of blood product collection. That's definitely concerning, but boycotting donating doesn't seem to be a good idea. If we / a large portion of people stop donating, then innocent people who rely on the supply of blood products pay the price. I think there's room to still donate and advocate against these types of moves.

I googled it and came up empty, why is Spider-Man antisemitic?

Julien Detillieux at Railbender

We've used Keshet Kennels a few times, really liked them.

In case it tips the scales, Touch a Truck will have Spider-Man ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just saying...

It might be a waste of time for you, it might not. Any of the qualifications can be assessed at any point. So they could start with SLEs (reading and writing since those are super fast and easy now that they're done online) to then only focus in on candidates who meet that. Maybe they save it for the end, which is a common approach, but if you don't meet the requirements or refuse to take the test, they just eliminate you and you have nothing showing that you were found to have met all the other criteria. Or maybe they did send some sort of correspondence indicating that. Or you could also ask them for that. It's kind of all up in the air.

As someone who works in staffing, I must admit that I dislike when people do that because it wastes the hiring manager's time when candidates go into it knowing they don't meet merit.

On the other hand, I understand why people do it because managers everywhere keep telling their staff to qualify in other pools if they want to be promoted in their teams, which is a complete load of shit. It's become so common for managers to say that and it is complete nonsense. They are just passing the responsibility onto the candidates and other departments, or too afraid to have an actual conversation about whether they think you're qualified at that level.


Your current accommodations are specific to your current position and department. It doesn't matter what is on the poster, if the job interests you and you think you're qualified, you should apply.

If you need accommodations for any assessments, make sure to ask for them. If you're offered the job, you can then make your request for accommodation measures for the job. The employer has a duty to accommodate you up to the point of undue hardship, but keep in mind that the measures proposed in one department for a position may not be the same for the new position.

The main point I'm trying to make, and I know it's easy to say and tough to do, is try to not let that bother you. Just focus on the merit criteria and showcasing how you meet them. The RTO stuff will be dealt with afterward once you've got the job.

Last few times I went it was cash only. Most recently about 3 weeks ago. Maybe that's been reversed, or it's cash only for just me because he hates me? ๐Ÿ˜ž

One more vote for gents, been going for years. Just a heads up if you end up going here, it's cash only now.

Definitely thought of him too! We called him Popeye.

VR Adventures Zone is pretty cool, even for non gamers and first timers. They've got a range of games and experiences for all levels. It's room scale VR, so you're legit walking around to move, it's very cool and immersive.

Axe throwing is a good time too. If you guys are into active stuff, maybe bouldering or top rope climbing at one of the many gyms around.

You go rock climbing recently? I've experienced very similar browsing / marks after a good climbing sesh. Although those do look a little off for that, but figured I'd mention it just in case that's it

Maybe a bit of a long shot, but if you're into cosplay, The League of Superheroes Ottawa is always looking for new members.

No need to have a costume, you can be a handler (someone who helps the costumed characters, manages the crowds sometimes, helps with whatever really). If you do want to be a character, they are kinda strict when it comes to quality and accuracy (I don't quite know where the line is and what the criteria are...). We do lots of fundraising mainly for CHEO and attend a decent number of events. Lots of cool people to meet and lots of smiles to give to kiddos.

Website is a little out of date, but we're definitely still active!

Or @tloshottawa on Instagram. Feel free to DM me if you have questions! I do my own thing as Ottawa Spider-Man but am also a member of TLOSH.

Omg thank you! I was racking my brain trying to figure out from what I recognized her.