Mid-state Pennsylvania, around the capital of Harrisburg.

Harrisburg ain't too bad with drug use except for a couple small, easily avoidable areas of town. If you don't like Harrisburg there are suburbs in the surrounding area, and beyond that there're more quiet towns where lots of veterans settle down like Hershey, with Hershey Park nearby (great for families) or Elizabethtown, Carlisle, or Mechanicsburg. Penn State is a few hours or so away from those places.

People refer to the mid-state as "Pennsyltucky" (Pennsylvania and Kentucky) because it has similarities in terms of landscape and the culture. It gets humid heat but not like the deep south. I'd stay away from York or Lebanon though.

Should I change my gamertag to my Twitch handle? Question

Title. I've discovered a lot of fellow streamers because they have a "TTV" at the beginning/end of their gamertag or their gamertag is just the same as their Twitch handle, so occasionally I'll look the name up on Twitch and lo and behold, they're a streamer!

It sounds like a good way to get a little exposure through the games I play but I'm reluctant to change my gamertag because: 1.) I don't want to be harassed by players who come into chat and thought I was playing badly/toxic 2.) I've become attached to my gamertag, it's been the same name for like 12 years

Also don't wanna do the opposite (changing my Twitch handle to my what my gamertag is) because it might confuse my audience and my gamertag isn't as appealing/catchy as my Twitch handle. Did it do any good for your stream? Asking as a small streamer, <100 followers.

Is "Dig" Mudvayne's hardest song?

I never really got into them back when I was in school, Chad's clean vocals kinda put me off but they've been growing on me recently after listening to some of their hits. Love the brutality of "Dig" and the lyrics. Any song recommendations?

I play double Iridescent Myers with PWYF, Corrupt Intervention, Insidious and either Deadlock/No Way Out.

I only stalk and kill. I might down someone to buy time or get them grouped up for when they go to pick up their teammate. No hooking, it denies them hook save points. Use PWYF to get better speed in Tier 3, Deadlock and Corrupt for slowdown, Insidious to surprise them in Tier 3 when they go to work on a gen that's almost complete or heal a downed teammate, and No Way Out to ensure none of them escape. It's even better when you pretend to be nice and just Mori one of them with the others in full view now realizing that you're not here to be their friend.

Honestly Idk if this is worse or on the same level but a coworker I was talking to once who plays the game once told me how he targeted only black survivors sometimes. I said I thought that was kinda uncool to which he replied "yeah but it was just a joke, I don't know if they're actually black". Like okay, you missed the point. It's still fucked up.

Targeting any survivor out of unfound hatred rather than for a strategic reason to win is just toxic and stupid.

Stop thinking. Just act.

Don't be inside your head all the time wondering if it's the right or wrong decision. Go off of feeling and do what you want, say what you want, when you want.

Live, dammit, live!

Joke aside, I've been in my head the past couple of years reflecting on a lot of things, things I felt were huge mistakes/regrets. I feel like whatever decision I make, it's always the wrong one. Nothing goes right; it feels like fate/karma/whatever unseen force out there just has it out for me for no good reason. It's infuriating, exhausting, and makes you feel powerless.

You can have that power though. It's in you. Don't give up. The reason I said to stop thinking and just act is because that is what has helped me recently. Of course, there are some things you need to think about because you don't want to handle every situation based off of just feelings alone, but the moment-to-moment shouldn't be spent in your head. We all have internal struggles and wrestle with self-doubt, and the best we can do is to use life as a distraction to preoccupy ourselves, and by doing so hopefully find that which makes life worth putting in the effort over and over again. Of course, I do not know if my advice will help your specific situation, but I feel I can relate to whatever you're going through in some way and I hope it provides some relief. Just know you're not alone in this fight.

Listen to some of your favorite songs, get back in touch with yourself. You are not a loser. Someone's world is brighter because you're in it and I'm sure they'd love to see you happy again. All of us here would. I hope your day gets better. Take care!

They better not change Michael.

He's perfect as he is. He has like 3 different ways you could play him and I don't think his Iridescent add-ons pose a problem. It takes so long to reach Tier 3 with Tuft of Hair and Judith's (unless survivors are being stupid and feeding him) and I hardly ever see a double Iridescent Myers, less than I see a Twins.

Freddy needs a buff for sure, but leave my Mikey alone. Michael is a very unique and classic killer, and I think there's a reason BHVR has left him alone for so long. I hope if they DO change him, it's not by much.

Edit: grammar

30, about to join. Any advice?
Moderator removed post

I honestly don't know except for builds like Tombstone Myers where he can take you out without so much as even a single hook state.

Iridescent Myers is one of my favorite ways to play, especially because it denies them hook saves and chase points because I don't hook as Mori Myers and limit the chases to whatever stalk I need from them. I haven't been bringing event bp offerings either because fuck them. I've got plenty of survivor puddings to spare.

Thank you. I wanna live life, if I keep going at this pace I know I'll most likely die unfulfilled.

I wish I had your resources. I'm glad you're doing well at 48. That gives me hope, as well as seeing everyone's comments here.

No, but Google has!

looks it up

I don't know if I'd say I have Anhedonia, I would need a medical professional's word on that.

Been trying to learn German! I'd love to visit the country some day. Idk if I'll use it for any other purpose but you never know.

It's good to know I'm not the only one (even though it sucks that anybody feels this way). I'm slowly getting to know myself again, it's been a journey so far. Just had to hear from some other people on the subject, so thank you!

I completely agree we get more complacent as we age, I feel it already. I'm trying to combat that by working out more, it helps to get out out of this fucking apartment.

I don't think it's that bad. Stop crying about having to play with one bot FFS.

I haven't been to see a professional about a diagnosis for depression, but I have a lot of the signs/symptoms.

I don't have insurance so I avoid seeking help because of the potential cost. Probably a stupid reason, and though I'd like to work through it alone, I don't think I realistically can at this point.