Downvote me all you want but choosing to stay in a relationship without a marriage commitment is still a choice. If you can't have an honest talk about the end goal of the relationship with follow through, what are you even doing? Looking at actions vs words will save you a lot of heartache.

Not trying to be an ass- but why a slap in the face? There's no way in hell I'd spend 6 years with a guy and not get married. It was her choice to stay and his to not marry her. It's like being FWB expecting a relationship.

Not nearly as bad as your lack of brain cells.

I've seen companies call an OT role case managers for home health and all you're really doing is managing your own territory which is essentially home health across the board. They throw in the title because they can't staff the position. Just be cautious

Same. Convincing companies OT has transferable skills is hard

Educating judges and attorneys on current DV statistics. Their information is so outdated or they choose not to acknowledge at all. For example, they see children as not being abused if the abuse isn't direct. But countless studies have proven that mere exposure to abuse negatively alters brain function and is the equivalent to directly being abused. Things like mediation are contraindicated due to the control and manipulation from the abuser. All DVIP AND BIP courses should be state monitored and enforced regardless of political funding. The fight I had with DCF over this would blow your mind. I could go on, theres so much to be fixed.

Taco Bell is pure fire to me right now. I could eat it every day

He should be more concerned with his current state of being a dumb husband

Just play into it. Dont let them stress you. "Oh I know, isn't it great how well I've been taking care of myself while growing a human?!" People project, and usually it's jealousy. You're healthy, baby's healthy, you don't owe anyone an explanation.

And Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) who is a lyrical genius. I liked her for 5 seconds when he wrote for her

Like everyone else said, it's prioritizing yourself. I am a much better mom when I'm fit and have energy. So I made it a point to workout consistently after kids. My boobs went downslope, and I have a stomach crease that won't go away because sometimes I like pizza dammit. I'm 40 pregnant with kiddo 3 and I'll wear 2 pieces until I feel like I don't want to. This body formed and housed now 3 babies and I'll be damned if I feel any shame in that. That said, I'd really love to lift the boobs back to the starting line

Haha the borkening. There's been some good for sure, but I absolutely loathe the lack of support for us and the criminal tuition costs

Idk, they might compromise the charm by expanding. It was because of those close quarters a man fell directly onto my lap in a drunken stupor and the bartender announced to the entire floor that if she looked like me she'd fuck all of Key West. This was all within about 7 min of arriving for my flight home. What a place!

I think that's what they did in Pinesdale MT too. Super creepy driving through there, like you are not supposed to be there at all. And I worked with the pediatric population there, the IDT meetings at school were great fun with a geriatric dad and 4 wives in the mix. But all the "homes", which were like mini apartment complexes were unfinished to dodge taxes.

Very intelligent and successful women have found themselves in positions like these. Abuse and control is something that happens slowly before you realize how much you've lost. It's constantly moving the line, but slow enough to make you accommodate it. And when you find yourself in that very situation, you go holy shit I can't believe I ever said those words before.

That said, FDS women are typically born into this bullshit and it's all they know, so I think your point with that is very true.

Natural calm has always been pretty decent at keeping the real terrible shit (😬) from happening. I remember being 7 months with my first and constipated so badly I couldn't stand and was crawling around my house until my dr recommended magnesium citrate. Less dose than directed, but that will definitely work. And well. But check with your OB for sure. At that point the benefit outweighed the risk.

I'm hoping this is missing the /s. Because to be fair, imagine how much of a bind that kid who was raped is in.

He's perpetually confused. Just hang it up already

Same. I've tried refinancing and they keep dropping accounts, moving companies, none of it makes sense. Every once in a while I'll get a notice that one account has been removed etc. I just don't care anymore. I am sick to death of being an OT, and not being able to get out, and never making enough to escape this nonsense. It was a complete disaster