El Vilsito? Been researching spots since I’m going there next month!

Those gondolas are equal parts amazing and terrifying if your afraid of heights. Especially on a windy day 🤣

Apparently her daughter did 😂

When I was a chef in Portland his daughter use to come into my restaurant all the time. One day she brought Alec with her to dine in and he was very kind and respectful. He’s vegan so we altered some of our menu items for him since we didn’t have too many vegan options and he was extremely grateful. This is just a small anecdote that obviously doesn’t cover his whole personality, but sometimes people aren’t as binary as you would think.

I was chillin at my camp during Paradiso ‘17 when all of a sudden a jacked chadbro came running by with his hands cuffed behind his back. A moment later a cop appears and is stammering trying to figure out which way he went. We pointed him in the general direction and had a good laugh about it afterwards.

Didn’t expect to see St Thomas. I was born and raised here 😭 what made it a shithole in your experience?

Cool to see St. John mentioned. I live on St Thomas and my friends from the states are here visiting. Took them to trunk bay yesterday :)

Road tripped up to Van Island last summer from Portland. So amazing! Did some backpacking and got lost on some logging roads. 100% would do it again.

Unpopular opinion here but you should get way more tattoos, stick to a motif though

Dot work can hold up well, I have a 12 year old piece on my foot that still looks great. Maybe I’ll post it

Populous. Listen to his album ‘Azulejos’

Sometimes I go on artists Instagram page and find IDs through their posts and stories. Justin Jay has some good ones. Also Shazamming or checking 1001tracklists.com from artist sets that I find on SoundCloud. My discover weekly on Spotify has been going hard as well.

What did they do at bisco?

You are correct. Mythbusters proved exactly that.

So that’s where those trees came from. I remember doing a hike out there and was flabbergasted by the amount of trees in the lake 😆

I would have enjoyed it a lot more if it wasn’t for the hordes of tourist crowding the single alley way that everyone goes through. Food there was also the worst I had in Taiwan. Quite the tourist trap honestly. Definitely recommend to go early and do one of the surrounding hikes if you’re into that.