Is Mary Ruth Organics actually a reputable and good brand for supplements and vitamins? Or is it bs shilled by influencers?

I don’t believe it either. There’s no evidence. Not every rumor is true. Lol people love to spread rumors and gossip.

It’s literally speculation though. People start rumors all the time.

Exactly. People speculate over false information and then it gets spread like wildfire.

Nah, I don’t believe it. I truly don’t believe Nick would stay with her.

I think there’s definitely gonna be drama. I’d highly doubt that it’s gonna be smooth sailing.

Ew, this is so bad and so creepy.

How long does Oura typically take to respond? I emailed them last Thursday regarding an order I made that same day and it says they’d respond within 1 day and they have not responded yet. My ring still says pending fulfillment but me and my roommate bought the same exact size, style and color ring on the same exact day and hers shipped right away and mine didn’t.

I’ve noticed it a lot on social media but I’ve also noticed a lot of women taking a stand against this and saying men don’t babysit their children, they parent them because they’re the other parent. I think a lot of it also has to do with old morals and ways of doing things and the role the woman plays in a “family.” I think it also has to do with the fact that maybe some women don’t let their husbands “take over” and they just tend to do it all because they think baby wants the mom more or that that’s what the mom does for the baby etc. It totally needs to change and it could possibly be a thing more in the South because their morals tend to be a bit more old fashioned. Unfortunately a lot of the politics in this country are old fashioned as well.

So weird to announce that out loud like I’d personally be embarrassed lol but in all reality, Lindsay has literally been the issue in all of her relationships lmao

She’s Taylor Swift. She literally can’t help it and is unable to control people and fans being so heavily interested in her life and invested in her romantic relationships. Is she supposed to just not date anyone because she’s so famous that it’ll attract attention? So yes, it’s not healthy but what is he supposed to break up with her because she’s too famous? 🙄

Ehh, I disagree with him being manipulative. I think he’s honestly just scared of her because she’s an aggressive alcoholic and we’ve all seen it on the show for years now… He knows what happens anytime he doesn’t agree with her especially when alcohol is involved. Honestly, they’re just two people wrong for each other. Doesn’t seem like Lindsay will be right for anyone though tbh.

I think we all know the major differences between democrats and republicans lol…

Natalie already posted something that Katy texted her. They’re fine lmao. There’s no drama y’all 🙄

You haven’t figured out that their Texas living Christian family are conservative Trump supporters? Lol

I think everything was done tasteful. She lived in the moment and it was low key and untraditional. I love when people ignore society and break traditions. As far as her dress, I’m not a huge fan but it wasn’t me wearing the dress. It wasn’t my wedding. It was nobody else’s except her and her husband’s. It shouldn’t matter if people liked her dress or not because at the end of the day people are still haters and people are always going to have opinions.

I would go with the Cigna In Network. Do not choose high deductible plan. You will pay full cost of everything out of pocket until you meet the deductible. With the in network, you’ll have small copays for dr’s visits, including urgent care and mental health visits.

Not what it says. Lol. It says first solo shower. Use your eyeballs.

Not Amber Lancaster posting MULTIPLE stories about some Kate Middleton conspiracy and then at the end of her 100 stories, says she’s not a conspiracy theorist… Lmao. This girl is the biggest one I’ve seen and constantly hyper fixates on conspiracies. She is also one of the most delulu influencers I’ve ever come across so makes sense she would think she isn’t one…

I mean seeing a sign or commercial doesn’t compare to doing the job haha. Vastly & incredibly different things.