My husband and I spent our early to mid twenties building our careers and paying down debt. We had our only child when we were 30 & 32 and were totally debt free a year later. Now we both make pretty decent money when no debt, so life is easily more affordable. We also lived in a lower cost of living area for like 10 years and got really lucky with the timing of real estate.

Remember when she hit her kid and put it on the internet? I do. 

Someone backed out of buying my house and said the cosmetic crack on the pool deck was the reason 🙃just don’t be surprised if the sellers tell you to go pound sand if you come crawling back saying you made a mistake (which also happened).

We went from a one story to a two story. It’s nothing outrageous. The sound of people walking upstairs depends on how the house was built. My house also has two A/Cs: central air upstairs and a mini split downstairs. We don’t use the downstairs one.

So random but the Tikka Masala simmer sauce. Soooo delicious and makes for super quick meals.

While I’m enjoying these responses, some of y’all are very high maintenance and/or have high maintenance guests 

NH is a lot of things. But cheap isn’t one of them.

Gilbert and Scottsdale AZ have both walkable parts and huge religious populations.

My husband will literally say “I mean cuz you’re not staff” at random times and it’s still the funniest thing ever

We had to put 55% down to get our monthly payment where we wanted it. The market is bananas.

This is old old old, but it was discovered that she was connected to Amy Bailey, who is a Bodi coach who caused the death of her medically fragile infant while drunk and high during her Covid birthday party. Probably didn’t want to be associated with that dumpster fire.

NH doesn’t have sales tax or income tax. Of course the money has to come from somewhere.

The QS-2130 is awesome. I use mine all the time.

You forgot the fact that the ENTIRE month of July 2023 was over 110 degrees. 

My terrible corporate job just spoiled me with a spa day 😂