That makes no sense at all but at least you tried.

Its not bending the knee, its being a decent human being. What is wrong with you people?

Mando S1 was not great, it was like pasted together video game cinematics, it was ok, but not good lol.

Thats fine, also loads more pvp stuff thats unobtainable than pve.

The media has never been on our side, right now Biden’s dementia will be the main story until hopefully the story becomes about his replacement (Kamala most likely), then she goes after Trump.

Doesn’t matter what I do, Biden cannot win. We have a chance if we replace him quickly and all you people trying to prevent that are a vote for Trump and fascism.

This is the delusional thinking that got us Trump the first time around.

Stop watching it. Its not for you. This is like if liberals and progressives all hate watched God Isn’t Dead and ranted endlessly about how bad it is. (It is very bad) get a life.

Just nationalize insurance. F paper pusher banker claim denying leeches.

Manufacturing vantablack paint is hard work Im sure.

Monkey in Space

Fascists like fascists. Too bad the Handsmaid’s Tale and make America apartheid again timelines you all support isn’t compatible with any of this.

Do you all think that this show isn’t also one obviously mocking people like you? Like why do you care, its not for you. Go watch “God isn’t Dead” or some other trash like that.

Sounds like a douche, but he relented, making him less of a douche than you.

Id prefer something that just made it faster at higher rating, but allowed casual players to grind it regardless of rating, if at all slower pace. PVP was best imo and had the highest participation rates when rating didn’t matter much.

Expensive because money gets made here and its where people want to live. The cope about CA with conservatives will never stop being funny.