I wouldnt mind dying in wars if I would respawn, yknow.

Ahhh you're god damn right. My brain didn't register that it was mirrored.... and actualy you can see that he is squeezing the front brake when you stop on the right frame.. late reaction to braking after coming in too fast?

What the fuck was his reason to back up like that, and did he atleast assume the blame?

thats just annoying... it fucks up your day for no reason....

I disagree.

So, when are you getting more?

They are probably annoyed after our third refusal !

Yeah but I'm canadian but not a soldier, and the geneva convention doesnt apply to civilians.

Is it the cockrock with the actual samples around it ? or its the Cocktease with only ammo and stims near it?

Wont those wheel spacer make the car feel shitty to drive?...

Could be nice. We'll see.

I'm lowkey hoping for weapon modifications tho!

Well yeah, If you get a clan hall or a station you can modify and do stuff in and get perks and stuff, its pretty cool.

I guess I just don't see it yet in helldivers with the current stuff we have in game.

Clans are a bit useless in a 4 player coop game..

lowkey hopping for weapon mods

The fuck.. I want to understand his fucking logic but my brain hurts trying to think about it.. Dude put is brake foot on the floor and did not even squeeze the front brake... This guy doesn't deserve to ride a motorcycle...

What the fuck...... just.... what the fuckkkkkkk .. That would give me anger issues and murder tendencies on the SPOT.

Advanced Weapon Lab... Weapon modifications?

Depending on what OP is driving, Might not have enough power to get out in front of em.

It might get too close to your fender, have to test it out and turn the wheel see if anything touches. I dont know the clearance by heart.

Thing is a tesla center bore is 64.1mm so you'd have to get centering rings that are 60.1mm to 64.1mm on top of that.

Nah , i noticed recently. They only munched a corner instead of the main piece. I have no idea what to do yet. Crows in the area did help a bit by eating some of them bastards.


FUcking squirrels are doing the same to my rav4! its annoying!