Because there’s nothing to show it is a service dog! There’s no vest or anything indicating it’s a service animal! Y’all are fucking wild.

Because it has NOTHING to show it’s a service dog. Therefore it’s not a service dog. You’re making an assumption by something that’s NOT THERE. See the difference?

There’s nothing here to show it’s a service dog. All y’all defending that guy need to pull your collective head out your ass.

And there’s NOTHING that signifies this dog is a service dog. Y’all are quick to assume it’s a service dog for no good reason. More likely it’s just an asshole who thinks the rules don’t apply to him.

Regardless, animals are not allowed in this gym. I’m shocked so many of you are defending this asshole. He literally thinks the rules don’t apply to him, and y’all are defending that. Shit’s wild.

I fail to see how time is going to fix something like that. This isn’t a red that will fade with time. What a crappy salon.

I would’ve thought colored pencil, because that’s what my paper looks like when I’m testing colors.

Idk but it’s wild looking at this and seeing only 3 out of this group survived.