3 hours have passed. Are you already dead?

Technically, yes. It was broadcast on tv when dictators died and when the USSR was collapsed.

It will be realy satisfying when it will be broadcasted on all russian TV channels.

It doesn't matter if you're inclined or not. It's the way your brain works.
For Buddhists, these are karmic traces, for materialists these are schemes and neuroplasticity, the point is the same.

The idea that if it has no visible physical consequences, then it is not important is not true, and you yourself actually understand this, since you are asking.

If you act in a certain way towards people in your dreams, you will soon notice impulses to do the same in your waking life.

So it's not even a question of morality, morality is relative and each culture has its own, it's a question of who you want to be.

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger"

All your actions, thoughts, even the most insignificant ones, even those you do in your dreams, change you and influence your life.

You probably live in the US, a country with one of the most developed economies in the world, you went to school. What more do you need?
Find a job and move to where you want to live. You can work even from your home and earn good money if you learn some useful skills.

Literally billions of people live much worse, and you're crying just because you live far from the city, what a tragedy.... We need to find a way to tell almost 40% of people world wide who even don't have access to the Internet about it, so that they would feel sorry for you.

Most of you have a very easy life with lots of opportunities. But you're just used to whining and pity oneself. Pathetic.

WILD is not a single technique, but a type of approach that causes a seamless transition from wakefulness to dreaming.
Just as there are many approaches to DILD, there are many approaches to WILD.

WILD is not a technique, it is a type, as opposed to DILD.
WBTB is also not technique and is designed to work in tandem with something else.

coffee with sugar, disgusting.


Ага, то ви з такого села...


А навіщо морочитись з акумуляторами коли в селі можна просто взяти бензиновий генератор який буде живити весь будинок?

I've had this happen to me. Stare intensely into the darkness, trying to see something there, this will form a new vision. if you have vision, but it is limited, close your eyes completely and do the same.

It looks realy fun. If it will be available on macos, I will definitely try it.

Have you ever heard of such a thing as toilet paper?

I've just tried this stupid finger trick, holy shit, that's how normal people see...

The perspective is completely wrong, bad composition, bad colours. It doesn't look good at all.

You can start with the SSILD . This is probably the easiest effective way. If you're lucky enough, this alone can work quite well sometimes.
Keep in mind that you may see results the very first night, or only after a month or more, so be patient. Also highly recommend keeping a dream journal It will significantly improve your ability to remember dreams. In any case, the result is worth the effort. Good luck.