Surely there’s some statistics out there that knows which party suffered more in that respect. I don’t believe tories all just didn’t vote as many of them just opted for Reform instead. Did the Labour vote become complacent and just assumed they’d win anyway? Did the people not agreeing with the split vote just not vote for their ideal candidate instead?

You can pretty much attribute all of those things to Man City too tbf!

:England: England

We can always fall back on the Jules Rimet in our tough times, you stay bitter in yours though.

:England: England

Let’s cut the nonsense for a second, you guys recently won the Euros playing this exact sort of pragmatic, low risk football. I’m sure you did not give a shit about the playstyle when the trophy was being held aloft though.

:England: England

Exactly, people are much happier when we play expansive football… and then lose.

:England: England

The 3 semi-finals in quick succession already disproved your nonsense though, even if you want to try and discredit that for some ridiculous reason.

:England: England

Fuck that, we’ve tried playing expansive football in the past and got nowhere. Now we have to listen to people constantly praising the Italians and Portuguese for being successful in recent euros despite playing similarly as unentertaining football as ourselves currently.

No point playing pretty football if you lose. Youve got France over there who haven’t even scored a goal yet, and despite all the hate we’re both sat in the Semi’s, a position most trolls/haters wishes their nation was instead right now. At this moment in time, England just need to end the trophy draught and clearly from our recent record the more boring, pragmatic football has brought us closer to achieving that than any previous generations.

:England: England

After a Scot said to me earlier “they couldn’t see all the hate for England” I had to go to the sub main feed and check I wasn’t going mental. Wasn’t exactly difficult to spot. It’s not like I wait for them to trickle through 1 by 1.

:England: England

Did you even scrape 3 qualifications in that time?

:England: England

By the rules of Euro Reddit, I grant you your +1.

:England: England

Is that a sentiment people actually agree with when we’re losing though. Most of the time people think we’re overrated, but at the same time expect us to comfortably beat everyone, it’s a weird kind of logic. There’s a reason why 70% of this sub questions England being favourites from the start, and that’s because they don’t think we have the best midfield + attackers.

The fact that we can’t dominate games is credit to the work the other teams are putting in, and that’s where people’s energy should go, in to praising them for making it difficult. But the karma farm suits hating the English instead. Teams like Denmark and Switzerland in particular, have never been teams to just roll over, but because they’re not traditional nations we’re just expected to dominate them and unless people see 3-0+ we’re not going to get any plaudits. It doesn’t work like that in reality, they make it difficult and uncomfortable and you won’t have your own way.

📦 Urban Fufillment centre

I’ve seen a few get sacked for the same offence. I think it does fall under gross misconduct.

:England: England

Sadly, when you’re about the 50th post of the day that’s taken aim at England, when supposedly supporting another nation, the jokes become lost in amongst all the hate.

:England: England

Pretty much every opponent we’ve played didn’t want an expansive, end-to-end game because of the risk of being countered, and we struggle to break down low-blocks also. There’s been very few top nations playing on the front foot because “safe” football just works much better in KO tournaments.

:England: England

Smaller teams would hate that because it gives them even less opportunity to qualify for the KOs. The likes of England, France etc might be boring and shit to watch, but they still finished top 2 anyway. It’s not like they’ve benefitted from the 3rd place play-off, unlike the team everyone is now routing for, Netherlands.

:England: England

You know, you can just praise a team without needing to drag another down. All the unnecessary England hate is pathetic at times.

:England: England

This isn’t about Italian players playing in the Italian league though. The PL is almost an entirely different transfer market in its own right, so it’s not only English players that get a premium from playing in the league, it is almost all nationalities playing in the league. For every Maguire or Grealish, you have an Antony, Pepe, Arrizabalaga, Havertz coming in at an inflated price too.

People say England aren’t worth £1.5Bn because that’s just PL tax, but ignore the fact that France, Germany, Netherlands etc would all see their nation’s values drop too if it wasn’t for PL money. Even if you cut England’s value by 50%, and other European nation’s by just 10-20% we’d still be 1st or 2nd on the list anyway.

The other thing is, if people don’t believe England is actually worth £1.5Bn because it’s just hype, why do those very same people expect England to comfortably win anyway. You don’t rate the players so why are you expecting them to beat everyone anyway. People just pick and choose when they want to believe stats so they can attack us either way. It’s “England are overhyped, x will comfortably beat them” then when they don’t it’s “England are worth 5x more than x, they should have thrashed them”. We’re held to a ridiculous double standard by critics.

:England: England

Getting to 3 of the last 4 Semi finals in major tournaments is not “shit” my guy. Getting to the final 4 does give you the right to start believing you might just win it, and neutrals, particularly those who are already knocked out, shouldn’t get wound up by that.

English confidence, on the whole, hasn’t been high this tournament. We’re fully aware we haven’t been pleasing on the eye, but bitter people saying “England don’t deserve to be in the semis” whilst simultaneously praising the likes of France are absolute fucking morons. We haven’t been dominated to the point we deserved to lose any of our games either, but because people want the underdog to progress they lose all sense of rationality.

:England: England

Have you just not been present on this sub all tournament or something. Literally any time England play it’s “x is sending them home” backed by a load of other people who are crying cause we’re still here. But, as a Scot, and clearly one that hates us given your tone, you’ll be oblivious to those comments.

Why the fuck is it our problem if France finish 2nd and Italy can’t beat Switzerland. Which just happens to be the same team you want to belittle in their own achievements. Spain wouldn’t “manhandle” us, it’d be a tight contest and they’d probably win 1-0 or 2-1. We haven’t been trounced in years by traditional top nations.

:England: England

English player value is based on marketability of the PL, not just skill, I’m not sure why people deliberately avoid acknowledging that.

PL players, of all nationalities, come with a premium. It’s just English teams can afford to pay the premium so it doesn’t matter. People hating the PL’s PR should not just attribute it to the England national team like they’re the same thing. Most other nation’s are overvalued because of PL money too, but this context is typically ignored.

:England: England

That first line entirely depends on the nation you’re supporting. There definitely isn’t a positive imbalance towards the English in particular, and not really the French or Turkish either.

:England: England

People have been hoping for that since the group stages, they just get more wound up the further we progress.

:England: England

You think right-wing nationalism is a common belief on Reddit of all places?

:England: England

Let’s not act like it won’t be exactly the same, the other way, if England does somehow manage to win this tournament.

This sub would be saltiest in place on earth spouting a load of crap about “easy run”, “luck”, “didn’t deserve to win against literally any opponents” and “didn’t have to deal with Taylor”. Every team we’ve faced so far was supposedly going to be “sending us home”, it still doesn’t humble the haters.

Even when discussing playstyles, England are somehow being touted as “the worst” and “the most boring” whilst our French neighbours have managed to score literally 0 goals of their own.

:England: England

Somehow I’ve managed to get 3 out of the 4, so as long as the Netherlands don’t win I’ll have a winner.

  • Personal bet of Spain and Argentina to win their respective comps.
  • Work Sweepstake I pulled France
  • Would happily take a £50-150 loss in money if it meant England won the Euros instead.