Large Group and Charter Bus Games, Activities, and Ice Breakers

I teach English in China to primary and secondary school students. Our school has recently launched a travel study program that gives students the opportunity to have English classes and guided lessons while visiting various destinations both domestic and international. At this time, I have participated in two such trips. While they went fairly well, I found it hard to follow my normal classroom teaching style. It seems like something a summer camp leader or organizer would manage well. Anyone able to help out or point me in the right direction for some resources?

Large Group and Charter Bus Games, Activities, and Ice Breakers

I teach English in China to primary and secondary school students. Our school has recently launched a travel study program that gives students the opportunity to have English classes and guided lessons while visiting various destinations both domestic and international. At this time, I have participated in two such trips. While they went fairly well, I found it hard to follow my normal classroom teaching style. It seems like something a summer camp leader or organizer would manage well. Anyone able to help out or point me in the right direction for some resources?

Charter Bus Icebreakers, Games, and Activities

Need some games/activities for to serve as charter bus entertainment and icebreakers.

I teach English in China to primary and secondary school students. Our school has recently launched a travel study program that gives students the opportunity to have English classes and guided lessons while visiting various destinations both domestic and international. At this time, I have participated in two such trips. While they went fairly well, I found it hard to make use of our time on the roard, particiularly on the charter buses (which tends to take up quite a large portion of our time). Does anyone know of any resources that could help? I took a brief look into some tour guide and summer camp style things, but they seem difficult to adapt for participants working in a second language. Anyone able to help out?

Exactly. And if Lue’s breadcrumbs are sincere, then there’s obviously a sinister aspect connected to the phenomenon outside of what the government itself does. This could have a connection to abduction/experimentation and outright disappearances. This is especially suspect in light of his “food chain” allusions. If someone or some group in the government has green-lighted that type of interaction or even extended an agreement with these entities to do so, they’ve got to be held accountable.

Why do you assume all of the worst abuses were isolated only to the point origin of the phenomenon 70 years ago? During that time information moved through far more focused channels and people were generally more religious/unwilling to entertain ET concepts. Not to mention the fact that the general size and resources of the central government has grown immensely since then. This secret has likely been repressed with increasing impunity and aggression as time has gone on, not less.

Anti-Amnesty PostDiscussion

I’ve seen some support recently for UFO amnesty, as the idea arose in an interview with Lue Elizondo. I’d like to take this opportunity to share my opinion on the matter, while also acknowledging that I don’t know any more or less about this phenomenon than any other regular follower would. My position is based on available info, instincts, and yes, some speculation, but that’s literally all anyone has to go on when it comes to these things.

Firstly, I’d like to say that some form of amnesty is not a bad idea. There are likely individuals or groups that were compelled to do shady things or face dire consequences. I have no problem with extending such protections, but that type of allowance shouldn’t come cheap either. It must not become an escape tool for the master minds and/or most willing and cruel co-conspirators to get a free-pass. There also shouldn’t be a profound conflict of interest between the party receiving said amnesty and the necessity of an independent, impartial body responsible for formulating and granting the amnesty. These circumstances will never be met, and as such I don’t see amnesty as being a worthwhile trade-off for disclosure (or really, whatever cheap mix of truth and lies they might throw our way as “disclosure”).

Lue is a proponent of the concept of UFO amnesty, but should that surprise us? He represents the upper-echelon of in-the-know when it comes to UFOs. Like it or not, his former position and complete unwillingness to violate his NDA makes him complicit in a system of lies, cover-ups, and apparently numerous rights violations/crimes against the citizens (otherwise amnesty wouldn’t be needed). Sure, he’s created more following for the topic in general, but that doesn’t in the slightest make me trust his intentions. This soft disclosure/teasing we’ve been getting is most likely one of two things: 1. The phenomenon has become too difficult to cover-up and those in power want to stay ahead of the narrative. 2. Factions in the government are in-fighting and have resorted to making soft disclosure/controlled leaks as a leveraging tool. I will always remain skeptical when it comes to Lue and anyone connected with high-level government and/or intelligence agencies. They’re not our allies in the cause of disclosure. On the other hand, I WILL listen closely to leaks and whistleblowers. A tiny bit of it will be true, and most of it is definitely fake, but it’s still better than following those we KNOW have been lying for more than 70 years. If the truth comes out, it will either be as an uncontrollable revelation from UFO incidents or complete revolution of the power structure in the government (not some career politician and his NDA-touting intelligence spook). Don’t give the guilty parties a free-pass in exchange for breadcrumbs. SAY NO TO UFO AMNESTY!!!!!!!


Very compelling! I always thought that a space-fairing federation of different species would establish guidelines for contacting more primitive species. There might be conditions in place for contact based on a multi-stage approach. For example, first indicating to the representative government your existence with mere glimpses of your technological ability. Then making indirect contact only in the form of responses to contact attempts by the primitives. Then communicating an intelligent message if the situation proves stable. And finally allowing for the first direct meeting after the primitives show some promise toward a responsible contact agenda (like denuclearization or population planning).


But Elizondo has really shied away from making comments on those who are definitely lying or misrepresenting true events. He might make general statements about people making false claims or selling stuff but never so direct as to indicate a specific person or organization. This was different, and in the context of an interview where he was clearly fixed on the point of money making, it kinda makes me wonder.

Elizondo Inadvertently Confirms Lazar Accounts?!?!Discussion

Lue recently did an interview for a smaller YouTube channel called ArtisanTony. It was mainly composed of Q&A, and elicited the same type of responses we’ve been hearing for months, nothing at all in the way of new uap related info. HOWEVER, Lue made what is likely the STRONGEST negative insinuation about a specific individual I’ve ever heard from him. The interviewer had a Lazar-signed poster, to which Lue responded after a short repose, “Hopefully he signed that for free” (starts around 37:50). This really stood out to me, especially in the context of this particular interview. Lue lightly complained/announced a few times over throughout the interview something to the effect of “I’m losing money”, “I’m not getting paid”, and “I’m not doing this for money”. This got me thinking about why he would make the comment about Lazar, especially since he’s been very careful to avoid direct commentary on names or entities, many of which are peddling half-truths or flat-out lying. He chose this time to directly comment about Lazar’s conduct, which has so far been uncharacteristic of Elizondo’s style. So here’s my take: Lue is a red-blooded military man that values duty/honor/responsibility. We all know that he fully intends to honor his NDA and takes his pledges seriously. Additionally, Elizondo does not regard the uap discussion as an area for personal financial gain, and has made such comments repeatedly. Bob Lazar on the flip side is a true empiricist and values technology and the transfer of knowledge. If his accounts are to be believed, he violated the secrecy of the government operations studying uap technology and has at least in some ways financially benefited for doing so (albeit having also suffered considerable personal, professional, and financial loss as well). Elizondo knows that Lazar’s accounts are true and does not take issue with the validity of his claims, but rather has negative feelings toward Lazar for not only breaking honor-bound secrecy on a sensitive topic but also making money as a more or less direct result of that breach.

Link to Interview:


The problem is that the biological family from which they evolved would need to lend support toward the end result witnessed. Amphibians currently alive as well as in the fossil record going millions of years back always lack the brain size and behavior patterns (inferred from clues about environment and interactions with other contemporary species in the case of those long-extinct) for developing advanced society and technology. However, it is possible that an advanced race might intentionally alter themselves biologically to a degree that they coincidentally appear to have arisen from organisms that have nothing to do with their evolutionary history.

I think there are two main scenarios that can be expected, both of which could tie into the Fermi Paradox (which essentially states that there were ample opportunities for advanced intelligent life to evolve even when adjusting for the right time/physical constraints, and that it’s unexpected for us to be unable to detect the signs of this advanced life given our current capabilities). The first is that there is a Galactic Federation with a sort of bar of entry in place. They might actively work to protect intelligent life on the cusp of becoming highly advanced and shield them from excess interference or connection with other advanced societies. In this case the requirements might be widespread abandonment of superstition/religion, species-level cooperation, or perhaps the ability to become space-fairing. They also might require that we solve the puzzle of our biological origin (evolution), physical origin (big bang), and/or metaphysical origin (???). It’s also possible that we’ve already reached these requirements and are in a sort of transition period where privileged government/leadership groups are in the know but the general public is not. The other possibility is the sort of simulation/experiment one. In this case, our existence is engineered by more advanced beings. The reasons why advanced beings might run such experiments are countless, so it’s difficult what they might establish as the experimental “end point”. If this happens to be our situation, let’s hope the “end point” doesn’t result in pulling the plug.

I recently watched the Denver news coverage of ufos that allegedly appear on a regular basis within a very specific time window (12-1pm). I found some street view photos taken in the area from approximately that time of day. Is this just an artifact of the sun striking the lens, or could it be something more?

What gets under my skin is that the ones responsible for decades of gaslighting and reputation destroying get to stand behind honest, genuine people like Fravor and pretend they’ve been on our side all along.

There’s just way too much that could be implied here.

On the tamer side the possibilities include: 1. the mere existence of ETs elicits several spiritual and philosophical considerations that few people have made 2. ETs were involved in seeding or shaping life on this Earth 3. Following disclosure, the ETs will offer technological or civilizational support that could be accepted or rejected, but would certainly change the fundamentals of our lives 4. There are multiple factions of ETs with their own moral principles and belief systems that some humans will find quite compelling and eventually embrace

The wilder possibilities include: 1. A spiritual realm, different dimension, or alternative reality (possibly multiple) exist, and these beings are mediators between their plane of existence and our own 2. Our reality is a complex simulation and these are the experimenters checking in on their own created universe 3. These creatures are visiting from the future and represent some singularity between humans and AI 4. The craft and their controllers are angelic and/or demonic beings and the old fundamentalist religious accounts are closer to the truth than anything else

Whatever the truth may be, the fact that one of the above scenarios is at least partially true (or a close approximation) is tantalizing.

I actually immediately felt there was a connection between the Zamora incident and the Nimitz encounter after hearing the physical description of the object. That made me look back at the Zamora account with less skepticism and comb through the details a bit more. Interestingly, there’s been some back and forth over the symbol Zamora supposedly saw on the side of the craft. It seems that although the “umbrella” symbol was the most widely popularized version, most second-hand witnesses that spoke to Zamora right after his encounter claim what he saw was an “upside down v” with a series of bars through/under it. Oddly enough, if you look at the alien script recollection from the Boas abduction, it includes a vaguely similar series of “v” angles and parallel bars. But that might not be reliable considering the craft described in the Boas abduction account was not that of a white tic tac or egg-shaped ufo.

Not at all an expert but if the craft travels by gravitational field distortions, then perhaps the initial rocket-like thrust into the air is necessary to prevent picking up soil or other debris into the distortion pocket in which it moves about