
The P47 is also pretty good for the Americans if you drop the bomb immiedietly to lighten up. The rockets even work fairly well in an anti bomber/head on roll

Which would be neat because I think it would encourage more usage of the ‘religious law’ tenet.

Note that Gyat is also sometimes used to refer to firearms, as a corruption of the existing slang of Gat, originating from the term Gatling Gun.

If you’ve ever seen pictures of South Korean and North Korean soldiers standing by each other, it just looks so ridiculous. Both nations take their tallest people, but it’s like 6’4” vs 5’0” because NKs tend to be massively malnourished.

Ive seen at my university, a half German, half Austrian guy (very proud of his heritage) call a pole a colonizer.

And like, the irony was thick enough to cut with a knife.

During the civil war wasn’t his primary use due to his skills as a train robber?

Ik, I should point out, it’s possible they’re like me. I started by playing on Xbox, but when I moved to steam, I was using mods from the beginning, so I have 0 achievements, and 200 hours.

Considering how fast it all is, I’d bet he just set everything to ‘no garrison’ as the garrison order, trusting that resistance wouldn’t build up too high in that time.

Legit, Germany is my favourite country to play.

Specifically because you get to click the ‘purge this Nazi scum from our lands’ and ‘hang them all’ buttons.

Wait, doesn’t that mean that a bhaalist could theoretically worship without technically committing crimes? I mean, the average adventurer does a lot of killing.

The commandment to not build a baby goat in its mothers milk.

Rule of thumb. Never mix anything for cleaning, there are far too many chemical weapons that can accidentally be made.

I know you can get a learners in the praries of Canada at 14, because yeah. Lots of farming.

First time my father got pulled over was actually at 9, taking a grain truck into town. Let off with a warning to sit on a book next time so he can be seen in the drivers seat. Small town things.

Yeah, the folks on the front lines are going to know the most.

Iirc it also makes holy wars cheaper to declare, and makes great holy woars easier to declare, and instantly unlocks them.

So if you make your own faith with you at the head it can be really useful.

Unless you unite India, then they become enabled for only your religion with the ‘rightful rulers of the world’ special doctrine

I hope Brimelle doesn’t kick in her sleep. Otherwise scrolls of resurrection might be needed often.

It’s not just frustrating, it’s straight up stupid too.

Like, who wouldn’t you just listen to and actually consider what the closest thing there are to local experts say?

Also, one of the worst parts is that local aboriginal groups pointed out that dingos taking baby’s were a known thing that they had knowledge about.

  1. I very much get the vibe off them that they’d rest their heads on each other and nap through the flight.

I fairly often rip off revelations for dnd ideas

There’s a reason socialist Christianity is a thing in some areas.