I will edit this to add that the first pic is Aug 2, 2023, and most recent was May 21, 2024. The picture with the nice pot was Mar, 21, 2024 and I just today noticed it was a hair wilty and added more water for the first time today June 2, 2024. That’s pretty nice release if you aren’t good at remembering to water, or are out of town for a long time. :)

That is friggin amazing! Cool as F plant. Thx for the info I def want one!!

I even call weeds volunteers cuz sometimes they are fun to see what they do!

You clearly missed the audio

Top rated comment right here 🤣🤣

This audio is hilarious but should not be under ‘awww’

Kinda looks like the set up they were selling at Costco around Mother’s Day. Multiple plants in one pot. Although it was a good deal I forgot how much, but I knew it was too much to take on for a first time orchid. So I passed.

Uhhhh… if it wasn’t for an odd location, the one with all the color samples looks like they were testing makeup 🤷🏻‍♀️

The rest?… drunk and high at the same time. That’s the only excuse.

I think anyone that gets a face tattoo should get it lasered. If they aren’t happy with it that is. Imo faces should be clean.

I think either 1) you found it there because you put it there OR 2) you may have stole someone else’s cart 😂

Was kinda thinking a veto when I saw the leaf up close.. when others said peas I thought yeah, huh that’s what it looks like. Kinda odd but yay freebie!

Although I would consider a dog in the semi near future now is not a good time. I wish I could take all the needy dogs :(

Sorry I figured everyone knew what blackberries were. The rest of the world is actively trying to get rid of them.

That’s cool actually how resourceful and apparently quick they were. Glad you got pix!

As someone that played vanilla through part of cata (not a raider) and then came back recently, I was saddened to see that druids, hunters and pallys don’t have special quests for form/pets/mounts.

Like.. I get that blizz wants to make things easier to get to 70 or wherever they want the cap to be, but really?.. I think there is a large part of us that enjoys the story and game play up until that point. It’s bad enough that we all get mounts at 10 now.

(Breaks out the old man voice) -back in my day-

We had mounts at 40 and there were One MAYBY two flight paths per zone. Not 5. There weren’t trainers and vendors everywhere. And when we leveled we had to see our trainer to LEARN more. It just wasn’t automatically in our spell book. And there certainly weren’t highlighted areas where the quest items were. You had to READ the quest 😮

Don’t get me wrong.. I like a lot of the changes to make things easier but some of us like to play the game not just skip to the end.

Tell him to move to Oregon I don’t think we have kill shelters here.

That was way cuter than I really expected it to be 🥰 The cat genuinely looks like he’s trying! Lol

🤷🏻‍♀️I’ve never dug them up as of yet so honestly I don’t know. I do know mine are growing so many babies I may have to consider it in the near future though. If you’re extra careful and maybe use your hands instead of a tool so you don’t chop roots ?🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh I’m fully aware 😈

However… I myself have started with Beta and working towards completion but I see so many others who don’t know about these other achievements soo… I also hope it’s helpful! 😝