
Optimized selective siping

I've not been there this year but usually Coulon Beach will have them.

After I finish reading all of Reddit what else I gonna to do?

It's somewhat normal for LCD to have big patches of light bleed similar to what is in the bottom, but what's going on in the upper right corner is concerning. This effect looks like the corner is physically stressed like bent or clamped too tight from some foreign material.

I was one of those that "Cruised the Loop" in the 70's and the only time I got pulled over was for reving my engine too close to residential.

Could be a repeater as part of a mesh network, but almost any company can rent pole space.

One person's certifications and licenses is another person's bureaucracy.


Check out the 150cc drag racers in Thailand. Special setups not really meant for daily driver unless only for style.

I think it's a combo of drivers hammering their transmission on 1st to 2nd shift and then finding out the transmissions aren't easily repairable.


I've had several flip-down sun shields, they don't go over your nose. If it's really hot I remove the main shield and only use the sun-shield, it works great. One thing to worry about is that since the edge is above the nose it doesn't take much movement of the helmet (like in an accident) to have it cut into your nose. I've had that happen once, but I wasn't even riding at the time so I'm not sure if it's a real issue or not.

I had the same thought, but I found some more info out so not sure anymore. Here's the parent company:

Date of Incorporation: April 14, 2021

Company Type: Foreign Limited Liability



FL, 33406

Their spin is going to be "Leave her children out of it!" "They are attacking my children!"

We are wasting a lot of CPU cycles to make software easier to build. One person can make applications now that are 10x more sophisticated than what we could do on the Amiga with a whole team of developers.

So like you said, everything is put in the web browser, even if it's only using the browser render engine. This opens up things like Google docs and OnShape that can run on just about anything.

This simulation can only handle a few billion people, hitting 7 billion is overloading the servers. I fully expect to turn on the car radio and hear simplified "Human Music"

Oh yeah, their terms of service are a thing of beauty!

"We will arrange for shipment of the products to you using a shipper of our choice. You will pay all shipping and handling charges unless otherwise specified in the order confirmation."

So prepare for your $99 shipping and $99 handling fees! All sales are final, no refunds, haha sucker!

My bet is they'll be from Alibaba but with iron-on patches.


Even better is their AI generated Terms of Service page.

I can't find anywhere calling it illegal, but regardless I doubt that's why this error exists. When I first saw the image I thought it must be AI so I immediately looked at the flag because that's the kind of thing AI commonly messes up.