Oh I’m used to being told that I’m wasting my vote. More recently, I’m getting used to being told that my vote will destroy the world.

Give me someone other than Biden to vote for in 2024, and I could be convinced to do so. Hell, give me someone other than Trump while you’re at it.

I think both candidates are terrible. Unless something changes, I will not vote for either of them. You can’t shame me into doing otherwise.

Oh I love my little buddy. We’ve raised and fostered many cats, but this is the first one we’ll be with from birth to death.

That wasn’t clear, and that’s not an answer to the question that was asked.

We absolutely connected with all three kittens over the last two months. But I pretty much fell for Jack the moment he was born. Fortunately, he seems to feel the same way.

Yeah, that switch in the last election definitely feels like nothing at this point. I’m glad you understand.

That’s what you meant, right?

I mean, I used to be an atheist when I was a teenager. I’m not anymore. At no point did science have anything to do with my religious beliefs.

I’m a Libertarian. Normally I would just default vote for the Libertarian candidate. I voted for Joe in 2020 because I sincerely disliked Trump. And I was planning to vote for him again. But after watching this decline and remembering the decline two of my grandparents made that were extraordinarily similar, at least from my standpoint, I can’t put my vote behind someone in that state. So I’ll be voting for Chase Oliver (who I genuinely support as a candidate) and shaking my head as the final results are announced.

So that's why I'm asking -- to reassure them, would you be willing to have the independent medical evaluation?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Watch me between-- there's a lotta time left in this campaign. There's over 125 days.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: They'll make a decision.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Right—the answer right now is, no, you-- you don't want to do that right now.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Well, I've already done it.

I suppose the positive takeaway is that he was aware enough to remember to not actually answer that question.

I don’t think… that interview went as well as they were hoping.

Oh right, they’re skeletons… completely forgot.

You don’t have sentient wind monsters and swamp zombies where you live? Lucky.

That’s been a criticism of the Stein campaign since the primary. He’s practically a ghost while Robinson manages to keep his name in the headlines nearly daily (by saying terrible things).

The debate performance pretty much cemented that NC will not go to Biden. If he’s the choice, forget it, focus on beating Robinson and pushing Dem candidates for the house, and then push for state races.

To quote the rather famous Clinton ad:

It's 3am and your children are safe and asleep. But there's a phone in the White House and it's ringing. Something's happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call. Who do you want answering the phone?

I’m waiting for the Trump ads that say the same thing, but with “we finally beat Medicare” and “I’m proud to be the first black female vice president for the first black president” quotes mixed in.

There hasn’t been a member of the Disney family involved with the Disney company since the death of Tim Disney in 2009.

The debate ruined any third party opinion defending Biden. For months we’ve had an endless string of party members saying that he was fit, sharp, nimble, and as good as ever. Then he came out swinging with “we finally beat Medicare” and poisoned that well.

The question isn’t if he has a problem. That’s been confirmed. The question is now how often does the problem happen, how long do episodes last, and how severe does it get. If you’re not answering that, I don’t care what you’re saying.

She’s going to a home with someone who I know is an absolute rock star when it comes to taking care of small, needy creatures. My mom is adopting her.

Just a heads up, that’s a habit that usually grows into “loves to chase feet”. Invest in thick socks. Personally, I like Carhartt’s “heavyweight” options.

Another thing to note, this little bit is going to get absolutely filthy while figuring how to eat. To the point that you will swear that it decided to bathe itself in food rather than eat. Dawn is a more affordable option than actual kitten shampoos. Can dry out their skin, so don’t overdo it.

Cute little furball.