You could have a house plant rub the country and we would do better.

Okay random internet stranger. It's true but please continue to be a science denier

Life expectancy has declined for the first time ever

More than 20 percent of Canadians are food insecure

Food Bank usage is at all time highs

Violent crimes are at all time highs

Gun crime is up

Drug deaths are at record.highs

The national debt has more than doubled

Rent has doubled

Tell me Trudeau has made lives better lol

You came also calculate CO 2 produce and level of vegetation across the nation. We are carbon negative

Dude I am a huge fan of low taxes for all, even knuckleheads like you. The fact you think a tax is your solution instead of actual innovation speaks to your lack of vision

Would you believe me if I was bragging about the massive forests that exist in Egypt? Plus who cares what you think you hoser

You've been massively deceived probably by your own admission. A tax that makes you money? Even the parliamentary budget officer has called out his lies

Yes, Canada is a socialists paradise, crack , fentanyl, heroin was all legal. The government still even supplies it for free to junkies, who sell it to kids and then buy the real hard stuff. It's super

Our vast Forrests and plant life absorb more carbon than we produce . Look it up . Chud? You wonder why no one takes the climate alarmists seriously

Crack was legal here up until last week. We have the bestest most progressive government. But for some reason a lot of people were dying

In Canada we are carbon negative but we still like to tax the citizens into poverty with our carbon tax, kill our energy sector projects, and spend billions on green projects that go nowhere or subsidize multinationals. It gives our PM a wonderful chance virtue signal

California is a toilet under Newsom. How can anyone applaud the lawlessness, open defecation, and huge taxes

But how am I supposed to freak out and feel special if they are dropping #confused

Fentanyl poisoning? This is how Liberals attiudes cost lives. Crack poisoning, herion poisoning, bullet poisoning? How about don't do drugs if you don't want to overdose