Uj/ the irony of this sub is how much it’s helped me realize I hate guitarists … by laughing my ass off with a bunch of guitarists? I’m confused.

Will say this though: Bonermustard > Bonermaster. The latter gives him too much credit. He’s just mustard.

Can we stop downvoting this guy just for having a different take?

I think it’s an apt comparison to be honest. They have the same build, generally same in-ring talent level albeit very different approaches.

What Starks doesn’t have is the Rocky Balboa, scrappy underdog thing. That’s a massive difference maker when it comes to courting crowd favour.

Did shark boy go with him? Dude looks like a 48 year old man trapped in the body of a 15 year old.

Fuck, I hate how right you are about this. 😆

Nah, you’re entitled to your opinion and there’s nothing wrong with disliking a popular gimmick.

I feel like the attention these remarks are getting is mortifying Ethan. He’s a good guy, but AEW booking didn’t do him any favors and as their roster expanded he just doesn’t have what it takes to be a top guy there.

This shit is so clickbait and it sucks. It’s been a ride seeing all the various subreddits’ collective takes on it.

He just wasn’t the right fit at AEW. I hope for the best for him at NXT, but if he gets called up to main roster I think he’ll see that it’s ain’t the promotions fault he isn’t thriving.

There are just as many mediocre promos in WWE. I agree that the talent there is awesome these days, and match quality is improving. But it’s not “dork-ass” to care about technique. Isn’t that the primary reason for watching?

Hey, let’s all go to a concert where the band either sucks or is middling at best, but they have great corporate sponsors and enough money to distract us with fancy lights and production. Right, that’s not dorky at all.

It’s not some mystery that wrestlers at AEW have a lot of input into their character. Booking seems to be off limits for the most part, but we’ve seen enough to suggest that it’s naive to think it’s entirely uninfluenced (e.g., the Ospreay thing this week with Swerve on one hand, Sting not being allowed to lose his last match on the other).

Her promo game isn’t great, but it’s no worse than a ton of current female stars (sorry Liv stans, she’s terrible on the mic).

In ring is another story. She sells well, she’s fast, her meteoras are excellent and her opponents look good going up against her. Finisher isn’t great for anyone larger than her so agree with the haters on that.

Of the four horsewomen, it’s her and Bayley at the top for in-ring skill IMO. Becky is the best talker. I don’t care for Charlotte in any department, again just IMO.

“Of all time”, LOL. This sub is a fucking riot.

There are 19 trucks rolling into the arena today, my partner is on local crew and doing the load in as I type this. Gonna be a hell of a wrestling weekend in TO!

The pop thing belies in how overproduced it is. And the bands never last, because they’re usually mental health hells full of cringey angst and massive egos.

Depends on the metalhead. It’s a huge community, not everyone likes the same stuff. I’m getting older now so I don’t care too much, but I definitely had the whole “death to false metal” shit in my twenties, and I considered metalcore to 100% be false metal.

Just take a page out of my book and don’t wait for aging to dull the edge. Who tf cares if people don’t like a thing you do.

If it’s just about getting into some reasons why … hard to pin down. Metalcore just doesn’t come from the kinda of influences the stuff I do like comes from. It’s hardcore first, metal second.

Dude I’m sorry. Don’t leave, who cares if you get downvoted. I eat downvotes and insults on the regular on other subs, but we need people to read differing opinions.

I rarely agree with Jim on AEW stuff, but I still engage and listen. You’re right, on occasion he drops a gem or two of appreciation. Guy just has viewpoints that time has left behind.

She’s a courageous lady who knows a thing or two about scars both in and out of the ring. What a phenomenal wrestler. I was blown away by her on Sunday and learning of her fortitude amidst the abuse she suffered makes me respect her even more.

Jesus Christ, is that Bischoff quote real?

Man, if there was any stock left being tightly held by Samurai, it just vanished thanks to this video series. What a couple of minimal talent dweebs.

Rollins was the true star of WM40 for me. Just an incredible and extremely moving performance.

Disagree on the in-ring storytelling piece but I’ll toss an upvote your way here. I love Will to bits but I don’t think anybody can realistically argue Cody isn’t the king of babyfaces right now. He’s damn well earned the right to claim that.

It’s kinda weird seeing the “nobody knows who tf he is” thing here, it’s exactly what non-AEW fans were saying about Hechicero leading up to FD.

I agree it’s not the booking I’d be going for but Oku is awesome and worth a bit of Google fu.

Hey now, I have a patch chord identical to that neon green rope and Rush is acting out my fantasies of throttling our drummer with it. 😂

I don’t get the fuck off hype levels some buy into, but even as an AEW fan I still like Punk. His mic work is amazing and I enjoy his wrestling style too. He also supports a lot of good causes and generally seems to be good to the people he likes.

I think he’s a narcissist and his ego can be toxic in the wrong setting. But that’s true of a lot of talent at this level.

Worth getting your license but I totally get it. I’ve driven for about 20 years now, and for about 10 of those I commuted out of and into Toronto on 400 series highways.

People need to be more anxious about driving. The problem today isn’t what you do behind the wheel, it’s everyone else. The level of disregard for the fact that we’re piloting steel killing machines is unreal. People drive like assholes - no indicator, tail gating, sudden lane changes, too MANY lane changes period. No courtesy at all.

Yeah, I think Mercedes is getting a bit better and the conceited bitch angle works best for her.

I agree, DMD is truly great on the mic and has charisma for days. I’m hopeful her shining on promos will help elevate Mercedes, too.