But he needs to spread his good Pokémon across teams for a drawn out tournament

Then charizard, most of the journeys team, krookidile, you get the idea

To be fair, I didn’t, but I barley watched journeys and the other Pokémon filled the type gaps (notably fighting)

Probably higher than I’d expect

Also jinbe is a wipe for reasons painfully obvious reasons

Like he most likely loses to characters like sanji, katakuri, and queen

Well he has skill, but not enough to challenge any big shots like most high up yonko crew mates

True, the funniest part is argues beats all three of them (presumably)

He barely has any fighting skill, he get put down by anyone with basic armament haki

But he shouldn’t be, I think he’s about the same strength he was at MW

But that could go for special rend as well

Wouldn’t roar of time just solo a team?